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Warning: a bit of fluff throughout Zak's PoV. Also, maybe a bit of angst? Enjoy ^^


°~Zak's PoV~°

Bad and I have been sitting in silence, leaning against the tree, for a few minutes and I was thinking he wouldn't tell me anything when he finally spoke up.

"Skeppy?" He mumbled out, his voice full of worry.

"Yes, Bad?"

"Whatever I tell you, promise me two things." He looked at me with his beautiful green eyes which made me smile.

"First, never tell anyone. And I mean, anyone. Not even your parents, friends or a lover." Lover? Weird, but I still nodded and he continued.

"And second, promise me you won't hate me." He said as he turned his head away from me.

"Bad, why would I ever hate you, you're pretty much my best friend!" His eyes lit up as he turned his gaze back at me.


"Of course! I feel like I can be myself around you and you always support me in whatever I do. If that's not called being a best friend, then I don't know what is." As soon as I finished, I felt arms wrapping around my neck and a head on my shoulder.

"Thank you!" Bad whispered. I hugged him back as I said always. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes and I have to admit, it wasn't like any other hug I've had. Other hugs were really simple lasting for a couple of seconds and I didn't feel anything special, but Bad's hug felt different. I felt like I'm loved and nothing else mattered except for me and him.

When he finally let go, I missed his warmth and his head on my shoulder, but I knew I had to listen to what he's about to say.

"Well, I'm guessing you already figured out my friends and I aren't humans." He started and I nodded signaling him to continue.

"You see, there are two worlds, two different worlds. In one live humans, this is your world, and in the other, that's my world, live flears. Human world didn't want anything to do with us, so that's why most of you haven't even heard about us, which isn't the case in our world where we learn the entire history."

"That sounds so cool!" I exclaimed which made Bad smile.

"Yeah, I guess. Anyway, there is one key thing that's different in our world." He stopped and I tilted my head in confusion. "We have powers."

I stood there shocked. I didn't know how to react, it sounded awesome, but I thought those things only existed in fairy-tales.

"What kind of powers?" I asked unsure.

"Well, they are divided into 6 different categories and each category has 2 powers. For example, you have water category and person with water element has both illusion and can walk on water."

"That's... AMAZING!!" I yelled. This is what I've been looking for my entire life, an adventure. Maybe I could visit their world and I would find out more about Darryl because he's just the best person I've ever met. "Tell me more!"

"Well, uh... other categories are light, darkness, fire, earth and air. The powers don't usually have to be connected to their name, it's just easier if you say you're, I don't know, fire rather than which powers you have."

"So, which is yours?" I asked imagining him with different powers.

"Oh, i-it's not important." He answered nervously and quickly continued.

Two different worlds ~ Skephalo ~Where stories live. Discover now