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°~Darryl's PoV~°

"Dream and George are in danger."

My eyes widened in disbelief. I can't lose them. Any of them.

"We need to save them." I whispered to myself, yet they all still heard me.

"No, I thought we could just leave them here and go eat something." Sapnap sarcastically stated as he rolled his eyes.

"We could use her. Like a trade, you know?" Karl suddenly whispered unsure if he should say it as we all turned our hand to him.

"For a normal trade, it'd be too risky, we're outnumbered." I started trying to think of something. "But I like the idea." As I was trying to think of an idea, I started mumbling some random words. I saw others attempting to figure out what I was saying when my eyes finally lit up as I came up with a pretty good plan.

"I know what we have to do. It might not be the best, but it's worth a shot."


°~Dream's PoV~°

The way he smiled at me, even though I almost killed him, made my heart flutter. He knew it wasn't me, he knew I would never intentionally hurt him, and that was all that mattered in that second.

All the noises seemed so... distant, as well as everything that was happening around or to me. The only thing that stayed clear was his smile. Happy tears made their way to my eyes and I almost started crying from happiness. I tried hugging him, only to find out my hands weren't able to and my head automatically turned to see why. As I saw a guy tying my hand behind my back, the illusion broke and I fell back to reality where me and George were currently trapped in.

My eyes instantly searched around for a way to escape this, but found nothing. Only one couple chatting by the cave and a guy near a tree a bit further away from us. I immediately recognized him as the guy who most likely made me do what I did. He was fidgeting with his sleeves looking like he regretted something. I felt rage building up inside me, but before I could snap, I heard twigs snapping and everyone shouting something along the lines on 'who goes there'. I turned my head to see what was going on, and my widened in surprise.

Bad appeared behind the bushes dragging a slightly taller figure with him which, after a few seconds I recognized as Skeppy. He looked like he was trying to escape Bad's tight grip, but couldn't.

I had my suspicions about Bad being one of dark categories, yet I couldn't believe that he would go as far as to betray his best friend. Or was it all just an act and he was only pretending?

"Let me go!" Skeppy's screams woke me up from the shock and the rage started to build up inside me once again, only this time towards someone who I used to think of as a friend. His face was too calm for my liking and the only thing I could think about was how I much I wanted to punch it, make him feel the pain Skeppy now feels. The only thing stopping me was ropes around my hands and a guard.

Bad stopped just a few meters in front of us, his left side facing me, as he started talking to what seemed to be the leader of this small group.

"It seems as you have lost something." He said calmly gesturing towards the guy who was still trying escape his grip.

"Who are you and where did you find him?" The leader seemed mad ah they gave Bad a death glare.

"Oh, sorry, where are my manners? You can call me Bad. I was assigned to get closer to the other flears in the forest as well as try to find the hybrid."

"Traitor!" I heard George yell beside me and my attention immediately switched to him. "We trusted you! We trusted you and you were only spying on us the whole time! And to think I told you about-" His outbreak was cut off with a knife to his throat.

"One wrong move and you die." The guard said and then turned to me. "That goes for both of you."

The feeling of helplessness filled my body as I just nodded. I didn't want to see George hurt and this was the only way for now. I settled for giving a death glare to Bad who was looking at us. His face had an unreadable expression, however I could see his eyes were filled with hurt before they became unreadable as well.

I smiled to myself knowing that at least this won't be so easy for him.

"How can we trust you?" The leader asked getting Bad's attention.

"Well, I could've easily just let this boy... go." He smiled at the end of the sentence and giggled a bit sending shivers down my spine. 'How can one be so sweet and nice on the outside, yet be a psychopath on the inside?' I wondered.

"Good point. But why isn't he with May?" The leader asked Stepping back a bit.

"How should I know? I only saw him running away." Bad shrugged his shoulder as it was the most normal thing.

"Let them go!" I heard a way too familiar yelled as two figures emerged from the bushes behind the leader. Sapnap was holding the knife to girl's throat. Her mouth was covered with some fabric making her unable to speak, and her hands were on her back, probably tied up the same way George and mine were.

"May!" I heard someone yell in a panic behind me and, to my surprise, it was the guy with a beanie. However, May wasn't as happy as him to see the guy which made me feel a bit bad.

"Let them go or I'll kill her!" Sapnap yelled again.

"You do realize we could easily control you into letting her go?" The leader calmly said as Sapnap's eyes widened in fear. He quickly looked at both of us, maybe for some sort of clue on what to do now, however Bad was the one who came to his rescue.

"Don't think it's a smart idea." He stated calmly getting a few weird looks. "You'd only waste your energy."

"Oh, yeah? Well, what's your idea, Mr You-can-call-me-Bad?" They turned to give him an annoyed look, even though they knew he was right.

"I suggest we let those two go. We don't really need them and they'll only be a  bother to us. Plus, they don't really care about him," he pointed to Skeppy, "since I haven't seen them hang around him."

"Fine, then. Bring those two here." She said and the guards made us walk closer to Sapnap.

"On 3." Bad yelled behind us.


The guard behind me had their hand on my shoulder and I took a quick glance at George. He had a small smile on his face as he was looking at our friend.


I turned my attention to Sapnap. He was still holding the knife and had a determined look on his face. I just hoped he knew what he was doing, otherwise we would be in a huge trouble.



Word count: 1229
25 Apr 2021


Also, enjoy what-had-to-be-a-sketch-but-turned-out-to-be-a-real-drawing of Captain Puffy at the top c:

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