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°~Darryl's PoV~°


I finished hoping our plan would work out. I saw guards letting go of George and Dream as Sapnap let go of May. I saw Sapnap whisper something to the duo and they ran deeper into woods to where I knew Karl was.

In the meantime, guards got ahold of May and they quickly removed her cloth over mouth and ropes that were tying her hands.

I quickly glanced at Skeppy making sure he was ready and, before I had a chance to turn back, I heard May screaming at her people.

"You idiots! This was a trap!" They all looked shocked for a second which was just enough time for Sapnap to create smoke for us to easily get away.

I pulled Skeppy, whose hand I was still holding, to my right knowing the flears would most likely guard the way to where they had seen the rest of my friends ran off. We quickly found our way to the clear air leaving the screams way behind us hoping they wouldn't be able to find us or the rest of the group.

After what felt like years of running, we finally stopped to catch our breathes. I have only just noticed that my hand was still holding his, yet I decided against addressing it. It felt... nice and if I say anything, he might think it makes me uncomfortable.

"Do you know the way back to the house?" Skeppy asked me breaking the comfortable silence we were in just moments ago.

"Yeah. Don't worry, I have a good sense for directions." I reassured him with a smile to which he smiled back.

"Just checking. Don't wanna get lost, y'know?"

There were a few moments of silence between us as we were both still trying to get our breathing to normal level.

"Wanna sit down for a bit? The house is pretty far away from here and we should prepare to run again in case we see someone." I asked.

"Sure." He agreed as he glanced down to our hands still intertwined. I immediately pulled my hand back mumbling an apology while looking down to my feet in embarrassment. I could only hear him chuckle in response and walk a way a bit.

"Don't be." He started as he turned back to me before he sat down to lean against tree. "I enjoyed it."

I was standing like an idot shocked as I felt my face heat up. I tried to say something or even move, but my body wouldn't listen. Few moments had probably passed when I heard Skeppy giggle again.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." His words woke me up from my little trance and I mentally shook my head looking everywhere except him.

"You muffinhead! I was not staring." I said while crossing my arms to seem angry while in reality, I was hoping he wouldn't notice how my face became redder by every passing second.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just come her and sit beside me." His voice sounded tired and I saw his eyes starting to close. I can't blame him, he had one long night, anyone would have been tired in his place.

I smiled and walked up to tree he was sitting under and plopped down next to him. Almost immediately, I felt pressure on my shoulder assuming it was Skeppy's head.

"Tired?" I asked him softly not wanting him to wake up if he was already asleep.

I heard him hum in agreement before his steady breathing replaced small snores. I tried not to giggle at the scene before me, but only partly succeeded.

I started thinking about what others were up to before I felt my eyelids get heavy and soon, I fell asleep.

°~Sapnap's PoV~°

I was running through the forest along with Karl and the two lovers beside me. I was leading directing us towards the small hidden cave I found months ago near the clearing where I would usually meet with Karl. With the dark category on our tails, I thought it would be the perfect spot to hide while they were still searching for us.

"This way." I said between two short breaths leading the group to the secluded area of a small mountain. I quickly found the cave I was looking for and everyone made their way in.

The cave wasn't exactly small. It was the size of a normal living room, however it was dark due to only light source being the tiny entrance which was just big enough for a normal-sized adult to crawl inside, making it a perfect hiding spot for us.

We all got comfortable, well as comfortable as we could since it still was a cave made out of stone, and finally started to breathe more deeply.

We were sitting in a silence for good 5 minutes before Karl finally spoke up.

"I think we haven't met before." He stated, his eyes fixated on Dream and George, who were pretty much cuddling. Okay, that may be a bit too far, George had his head against Dream's chest and the taller's hand was around the smaller's shoulders.

"You're right. I'm George, and this clingy guy who can't stop hugging me is Dream." George spoke little annoyed as he said the last part which earned a small laugh from Dream.

"Karl. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." Dream and George said at the same time. We talked for a bit and even explained Karl how our world functions before we heard shuffling near the entrance of our hiding spot making all of us quiet in the matter of second.

The shuffling continued growing louder and louder with every second and the tension in our cave could be cut with a knife.

Finally, a small beanie made its way to the inside of cave, the owner of it clearly not expecting anyone to be here as he was murmured something under his breath in a language I couldn't understand.

The person looked up and he stopped in his tracks shocked to see us. His mouth was still slightly opened from the unfinished sentence he was saying just seconds ago.


Word count: 1029
29 Apr 2021

Not me changing the date to the previous day cause I'm late literally 10 minutes

But yea I was doing my homework and I hadn't realized the time so ye
Sorry about that

Also woo another character and a bit of fluff

Good night/morning/day and love you ♡

Two different worlds ~ Skephalo ~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin