Thor was up ahead and they could all hear him shouting 'I don't understand. It was here! It was right here where I left it.'  

They came to a dishevelled looking area that had obviously been victim of a landing ship, but that was nowhere to be seen. 'The ship was here, we landed and cloaked it.' There was a noise sweeping through the trees. That sound again of crying children. It got louder and louder as Y/N doubled over in pain as it began to hurt her ears. It was no use, it grew louder and louder. To her surprise the others seemed unaffected.

'Don't you hear that? The crying! Children crying! You guys seriously can't hear that?'

There was a rustle in the bushes, all withdrew their weapons and magic as they anticipated an enemy. Instead, the young boy from before stepped out of the darkness. 'What did I tell you, you need to leave this place!'

'We are trying kid, but someone stole our transport!' Y/N shouted through the loudness of the cries only she was experiencing.

'It's Nanny, she want's those who hear the cries. You need to get out of here!'

'What did you say boy?' Nitid walked toward the boy, it was a name that seemed familiar to her. 'Nanny did you say?'

'Yes. She takes children, she took me.' 

'But I'm not a child, I am an adult?! Why can I hear them?!'

'I can't help you there,' Said the boy, 'Maybe there's something your hiding from everyone, something you won't even admit to yourself. Take this map, it will lead you to where you want to go. But it will only reveal it's secrets once you have revealed your true self.' 

He smirked now like he knew something. Before anyone could speak the sky went dark, and the temperature turned to an icy cold chill. The group began to run and take cover into the woods that were thick and hard to move through. Y/N ran as Loki kept a hold of her arm as if scared to loose her in the green leaves and bark. Y/N turned to see the young boy, he watched with a dark look, and evil look that chilled her to the bone. She went to say something but like mist he disappeared as if he were never even there, a shadow or ghost that only appeared when it wanted. 

The cries grew more intense as they ran, the ones only Y/N could hear and she realised they were getting closer to the source.

'Loki, stop. I can't go any further! I can't be here we need to get off!' She screamed as the cries grew ever louder in a crescendo of noise.

'That IS what I am trying to do, release us from this place!'

'We need to escape Loki, she is after me for whatever reason and I can't let her take me. I can't let anyone take me, not again!' She cried as Loki pulled her close and kissed her. His warm kiss calmed the fear that consumed her, and for a moment all voices hushed to a whisper.

'Believe me Y/N, no one will take you anywhere ever again without me with you.'

'You two, quickly! We found cover!' Thor shouted and Loki and Y/N followed as they found the open mouth of a shelter. It was dark and dank, with the smell of damp moss and sulphur. Nitid used her magic to create light as all five of them looked around the room, shocked at what they saw. 

Tally marks were carved into the walls as if someone had marked a long passage of time here in this cave.

'What did the boy mean?' Thor asked as he too looked confused at the cave they had found, 'What have you not admitted to yourself?'

She thought for a long moment. Could it be her new condition? The future Thanos had robbed her? Before she could answer Brokkr interjected. 'Whatever it is, it won't do dwelling on it now. We need a way off this dump. And the only way we do this, is finding the ship.'                                         

'Then find the ship we will. Until you can find your truth my daughter, we must make do here.' Nitid smiled and walked around to inspect the rest of the cave which was wondrously dark. Y/N picked up the map from the boy, she didn't trust it and felt a little afraid of what the map wanted of her, so she began small.

'I am from earth.' Nothing revealed itself. She continued to speak at the paper, hurling facts about herself. Nothing appeared. Brokkr, in a moment of softness sat next to her and put his hand on hers. 'Dearie, I don't think it wants to know random facts. It needs you to reveal your inner most thoughts and truth.'

'You mean-' She began but he shook his head.

'No, not the injury Thanos imposed upon you. but something that has weighed down your soul your entire life. Think on it, it will come to you.' Brokkr gave his broken smile and sat down, warming himself by Nitid's fire. Loki all the while unaware of everything felt a pang of worry as he heard Brokkr's words. What had Thanos done? And how could he help Y/N to reveal her true self?

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