3.11 ~ NOT Cupid's Bow

Start from the beginning

In the morning, I dragged myself out of bed and stumbled to the mess hall. The previous night had been mild but fun with a feast, dancing, and campfire songs. I was mostly tired from how late we'd all stayed up.

I went for archery and other long distance combat training after breakfast. After the quest and how hopeless I felt during it, I knew that I couldn't rely on close combat.

The war was nowhere near over. We'd stopped the gods from destruction last week, but I had a feeling we'd have to do it time and time again before it stuck.

"Here we go," I muttered to myself as I notched an arrow. I pulled back and exhaled as I released it. Just off the center. I grumbled and tried again. Farther.

I wondered if I could control wood when it wasn't actively rooted to the earth. No harm in trying. Probably. I willed my energy into the arrow and tried to push it towards the bullseye. I thought it worked, but I was fooling myself. It limply landed on the ground next to the target.

"Nice," Lee of the Apollo cabin mused from behind me.

"Leave me alone, Fletcher," I joked. "I'm trying."

"Alright, but I'll give you some pointers if you'd like." He pulled his bow off his shoulder. "You have to adjust your footing. That's where the issue is. You're too tight, which is affecting your balance. Step back with this leg and turn this way." He pointed to my right hip and demonstrated the stance himself. I copied it, then pulled back and shot. Bullseye.

"Yes!" I called out, grinning. "Thanks, Lee."

"Just doing my job." He smirked back. "One more time and I'll leave you alone."

I nodded, and grabbed another arrow. Lee reached around to grab each of my arms and help me pull back the arrow.

"Just like this," He lifted my elbow and fixed my stance once again. I was dangerously aware of him moving a hand from my arm to my waist. I inhaled deeply and released to arrow. A second bullseye.

"I guess that Apollo magic is rubbing off on me," I smiled at him, then started to put my equipment away. "Any chance you want tracking instruction? I'm in debt to you now, so let me know if there's ever anything I can help you with."

"All I ask is one sliver of your courage. I can't believe you went across the country and up to Olympus, I'd never be able to go on a quest like that."

I laughed and shoved his shoulder lightly. "Don't flatter me too much, Lee. It's dangerous."

"I'm sure it is," He smirked, leaning against the rack of bows.

"Well, bye! I'll see you at lunch or something."

I waved as I walked away, and he sent a small salute.

Grover took pity on me at lunch and sat with me to keep me company. We mainly spoke of our friends and the holidays and the Blessing of the Wild in New Mexico. He wanted to go after it and explore to find Pan. I would've thought it was an irresponsible and impossible goal, but after experiencing the Blessing, I wasn't so sure anymore. He teased me a lot about Connor, but I teased him right back about Juniper. I was glad to have a friend who understood nature as well as I did.

We discussed the strawberry fields and other farming things over our french toast.

After lunch, I headed back to my cabin for a quick nap. I planned on working on javelin afterwards, but I needed a nap after a mostly sleepless night.

Turns out, I slept until dinner. I was only woken by Silena banging on my door and letting herself in.

"Silena," I grumbled. "Let me sleep."

"It's dinnertime, get up. You need to eat. There's plenty of time for sleeping after the campfire."

I groaned but got up. I fixed my hair quickly and followed her out of the cabin and to the mess hall. She led me to the Hermes table where Beckendorf was already sitting with the Stoll brothers. We'd abandoned all mealtime rules anyway. We joked with each other, and it felt so good to have a chance to just relax and spend time with my friends.

"So, Maddy. I saw you spending some time with Lee Fletcher today," Silena smiled. Connor choked.

"Lee Fletcher?" Travis laughed. "Don't tell me you're going out with that guy."

"We're not going out! I had a small conversation with him in the arena before lunch. That's it. Besides, he's a nice guy. I don't know what you have against him."

"That's it," Beckendorf mocked. "Yeah, right. You were all wrapped up in his arms and everything."

"I don't know what you're talking about. Besides, when did you two become super spies?" Beckendorf chuckled, but Silena didn't find it as amusing.

"There's nothing going on between us." I continued and stabbed my salad repeatedly with my fork.

"Tell him that."

"I'm finished with this conversation." I reached across the table and took Travis's pizza off his plate.

i am so tired brrr also idk i feel like this story is turning mediocre so comment what you wanna see

guess who is skipping all of spring because i don't like writing stuff that doesn't have a plot line already set out for me by rick 🙏

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