Chapter Twenty-Four

Comenzar desde el principio

 She glares at me and starts to yell again but I stop her, throwing my hand in the air.

“I’m being honest, just let me get through this.”

When she sits back against the counter I continue.

“It was my birthday and I’d gone upstairs to take a nap before coming to see you. You were the last thing on my mind so I ended up having a dream, about you. In the dream we were married and we started to…well you know. It felt so real and when I woke up I realized why, Zoe had snuck into my room and went down on me while I slept. I guess I was moaning in my sleep so she thought I was okay with it but I told her off and she left. It wasn’t some sorted affair it was just a mistake.”

She looks to be going over everything I said, scanning my expression for bullshịt. I watch her carefully as she walks over to me and places her hand against my chest before looking deep into my eyes.

Her hazel irises bore into mine digging up all of my past transgressions, fleshing them out and laying them bare in front of me. Every single time I’ve made her cry flashes through my mind until I realize she’s doing this, making me see how I’ve hurt her. The second I reach out to touch her she moves out of my grasp.

“I need some time,” she mumbles and walks straight from the kitchen and out the front door.

I breathe deeply and go to follow her but her voice rings clear through my head, just as clear as it would if she was in the room. “No! Don’t follow me!”

I lean back against the counter not only gutted because she’s left me and I don’t know if she’s coming back, but astonished because of the level of power she holds.


My hands shake uncontrollably as I walk to the pack house. Andrea should be there any minute to pick me up so I put a little pep in my step despite how badly I want to break down.

It feels like I touched a live wire and the energy is still flowing rapidly through each of my limbs. When I touched Dean I could see everything he was saying was true. I don’t know how I did it but I did and I gave him a few of my own memories. Andrea kept telling me my abilities were more psychic than anything else and I didn’t believe her until now. I actually gave him memories from my fûcking brain just by touching him! What the hell?

My shoulder slams into someone and before I can apologize I hear the last voice I need to hear right now.

“Watch where you’re going bịtch!” Zoe snaps, looking back at me over her shoulder. I guess she’s done with the fake pleasantries.

“Bịtch?” I laugh, “Girl, please just keep walking.” This is not the day, I will gladly beat her asṣ.

“Stupid ghetto bịtch,” she mumbles and keeps walking.

I decide to let her make it until I realize the direction she’s walking in. Back towards my house, the house I share with Dean.

“Wait a second,” I say and she halts, turning to me, “Where do you think you’re going?”

She smiles evilly, “You can’t be that dumb can you? Just because he’s tied to you doesn’t mean he’ll ever fully give me up. I was his first love, his first kiss, his first time, his first everything. You’re nothing but second best. A burden placed on him by the Goddess.”

My heart flutters at how well she can read my insecurities and I muster up the only comeback I can think of with my brain turned to mush the way it is. “Fûck you!”

Awake | Book 1 of the AWAKE Series | (BWWM)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora