Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

“Get your punk aṣs out of here Connor before I fûck you up,” I grit, barely holding my wolf back. He’s gnashing at his cage, claws extended, teeth barred, ready to go for the jugular.

“Are you going to be okay? You can come with me,” he offers to Rose, completely ignoring me.

I can’t believe the gall of this motherfûcker. Using my Alpha tone I command him, “Out Connor. Now.”

He immediately starts towards the door but not before shaking his head and sneering at me on his way out.

I begrudgingly turn away from his retreating form, wanting so badly to rip him apart. I’ll deal with him later. Movement from the couch brings my attention back to the Judas getting up from it.

“And you,” I accuse, walking over to her, finger pointing directly at her.

“What about me? You’re acting deranged Karter,” Dylan snaps, breezing past me and into the kitchen.

“Deranged? So I didn’t just see you all hugged up on my couch in my fûcking house with Connor? I’m imagining things now?”

She scoffs, “Your couch? Your house? I thought this was our house or was that just more bullshịt?”

“Don’t try to flip this around on me,” I snap, stomping towards her, “This is about you being disloyal to me in the home we share. Are you really going to deny what we both know I saw? You’re wearing that shịt bracelet he wears and yet I haven’t seen you in the necklace I got you since Christmas!”

Her eyes bulge and she starts to laugh. Not a jovial laugh but a crazy, off kilter laugh. The kind of laugh that I will forever recognize as the laugh she uses when I have her fûcked up.

You want to talk about disloyalty? You? The most snake in the grass, unstable, disloyal motherfûcker to ever walk this earth want to talk about disloyalty?” Her voice is shrill and her steps are no longer tentative but direct, and headed at me.

For every step she takes forward I take one back until we’re in a strange waltz around the kitchen.

“You think I don’t know what you did with that big forehead having slût Zoe?”

My heart drops to my ankles. I knew her scent was stronger than usual that day in the pack house but I chalked it up to me missing her and amplifying her scent to calm myself. Now I know better.

“Don’t look so fûcking surprised! You don’t want to talk about loyalty now? Do you? I’ve been nothing but faithful to you and this is how you betray me? By letting that pinhead bịtch touch you, again. You don’t want to even broach the subject of loyalty with me Karter Dean Jarreau because I’ve been more devoted to you than you could ever dream of being. Lest we forget who the virgin in the room is because it for dḁmn sure isn’t your manwhỏre asṣ!”

Her words are sharp and seemingly never ending. I can feel how much me holding back from her has hurt her. Suddenly her up and down moods make sense. It pains me to know that I’ve hurt her but what fûcks me up even more is the fact that the only thing making her happy was Connor when it should’ve been me.

“I can explain,” I offer quietly. I clear my throat hoping my voice will return. My wolf has cowered back into a corner, covering his head with his paws, all of my previous boldness going with him.

She doesn’t speak. Instead she raises her eyebrow and crosses her hands across her chest, daring me to say something.    

“The truth is,” I start, slowly stopping to get my words together, “I was asleep the entire time.”

Awake | Book 1 of the AWAKE Series | (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now