Chapter 22 - The start of a beautiful friendship

Start from the beginning

"I don't think we're getting anywhere with this.", he said after Rory said the Beatles won the war and closed his book with a small smile.

Rory cheered in relief. History was boring for her and she was glad to do something different. Jisung on the other hand was already packing his things, getting ready to leave, when he saw Rory's look on him. She tried not to seem to disappointed by the fact he would go. Actually, she enjoyed spending time with him.

Jisung stopped, a small smile on his face. "Would you like to do something else?

A smile made it's way on Rory's face. "I have an idea."

When Chan returned from work, he was exhausted. Now that it was getting colder again, many people came. Of course he loved his job at the Café but it was tiring at the same time. On top of that he had something else to check on afterwards, so he came home even later.

The moment he opened the door, he could hear shouting. Confused and worried he tried to make out the voices and immediately sprinted to the living room when he recognized his sister's. 

"You evil unfinished sandwich!", Rory shouted angrily. 

Another voice stepped in and Chan recognized his friend's. Jisung? "NOT THE BLUE ONE!" 

"Aww are you sad because you got beaten? Again?", Rory asked, her voice full of sarcasm. Now completely confused Chan opened the door and definitely did not expect this. 

Both Jisung and Rory were laying upside down on their couch, holding Wii controllers in their hands. The floor was covered in pillows and empty snack bags. Chan had to yell as well so the two would notice him. 

"What the hell is going on here?" 

Surprised the two turned to him and as soon as Rory saw her brother, she handed him a controller as well. "Wanna get beaten by me as well?" 

Jisung let out a snort. "You cheated!" 

"So knowing how to play Mario Kart is cheating?" 


"Anyways-", Rory said and turned to her brother again. "-So?" 

Chan didn't waste a second and plopped down next to his sister who looked at him expectantly. "What?" 

"You have to drive upside down.", she demanded. "That's a new rule." Not wanting to start a fight Chan did as he was told but the moment the game started, he complained. 

"How the hell are you even able to drive like that?" 

Jisung threw a pillow at him, but missed. "You're the only one who has a drivers licence. So shut up." 

Chan already wanted to say that a drivers licence would benefit him nothing in terms of Mario Kart, when a red shell hit him. The other two broke out in laughter and Chan felt like they teamed up on him. 

Through time they added a few new rules, just as playing with one hand or playing blindfolded. It always ended in chaos but the three of them had so much fun and Rory almost forgot about her worry to bring her friends to Wonderland. 

After hours of playing Rory had fallen asleep, her legs on Chan's lap. He watched her sleeping peacefully and a smile made it's way on his face. Then he turned to Jisung who held back a yawn. "Thanks, mate." 

Confused his friend turned to him. "For what? Honestly we didn't even study History. We're fucked at the exam." 

"Not for that. For making her happy, being there for her, you know?" 

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