F a t h e r

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Blaise's father wasn't around. He was the first of his moms twelve husbands. Not that we judge here.

Blaise could only remember the little things about him. Like how he never liked a messy house, every Sunday was cleaning day. Even if they had maids Blaises father would make them clean. Every bit of the house.

His father was a very serious man, he never played with Blaise. Never tried to actually.

But his mom loved him, she loved him even after he left.


Luna awoke with her head pounding slightly she had cried herself to sleep the night before.

She looked around her room and it was spotless, she left it a mess before she went to sleep. And her crystals were more organized but they where not in the right place. Luna laughed quietly putting them in the right places again.

Luna felt her neck it felt empty she wished she never took it off.

Something sparkled in the corner of Luna's eye, was it what she thought it was? It couldn't be.

She walked to her nightstand carefully looking from left to right. When she approached her stand she covered her eyes. "Oh please be!" She whispered.

It was.

Her beautiful corkscrew hanging from a string. Luna picked it up slowly unclipping the clasp and clasping it around her pale neck. She smiled down at it, does this mean her and Blaise where good?

Luna felt empty wondering if she could ever dance in the grass fields with Blaise or feed the beast with him or even drag him to her soap shop.

Luna sighed wandering too the bathroom to shower.


Blaise was anxious tapping his foot up and down at breakfast.


For her.

Up and down up and down it was a cycle. In the note he had asked Luna a very serious question and he wanted her to answer in person.

Blaise felt weary. The voices of the students became drowsy. "Blaise are you alright." Malfoy's voice was disoriented.

"I'm fine mate." Blaise put on a fake smile. Draco nodded unsure. "I'm serious."

"Ok." Malfoy continued his conversation with Theo.

Blaise kept looking from the floor to the door waiting for her arrival.

Then she came. Wearing her everyday uniform and her hair was by her waist.

She began walking toward the slytherin table. "This is it." Blaise thought. When she walked right past him to the Ravenclaw table not even sparing him a glance.

Blaise's heart sunk I guess that answered his question.


When it was time for potions Blaise sat down and felt he was being controlled by weights. He couldn't believe he put his heart on the line just for it to be crushed.

Luna came into the class skipping and looking around. She looked happy.

Blaise noticed something around her neck, the corkscrew. Why was she still wearing it?

Luna sat down her eyes wide and her head spinning. "Hello Zabini."

Blaise scoffed turning his head front. It was silent while they waited for Snape.

"Why do you still wear it?" Blaise asked keeping his head front. Luna played with the screw "because I like you and I like it." She spun it around in her hands. Blaise turned to her "then why didn't you answer my question?"

"What question?" Luna asked.

"On the note - I left a note with the corkscrew."

Luna thought for a moment she thought the paper next to the corkscrew was scrap so she trashed it. "That was from you? - I'm sorry Blaise I thought it was trash I threw it away this morning."

Blaise felt stupid. "Well what did it say?" Luna asked.

"Well it said-"

Snape strolled I'm on his wheel chair and started class. "I'll tell you at lunch sit with me?" Blaise whispered.

Luna nodded smiling.

"Stop talking!" Snape bellowed his greasy hair sticking to his forehead.

Luna held back a snicker.

"Alright turn on your caldrons."

Corkscrews ; Bluna Where stories live. Discover now