B l a i s e

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14 years ago...

"Mama!" Blaise cried after he had fell off of his bike. He held his knee in pain watching the blood drip, "Mama!" Blaise wailed his knee throbbing.

Brair Zabini ran from her house putting her lemonade down. "Oh honey how ever did you do that." Blaise sniffled "I-I fell off of my bike mama!" Brair sucked her teeth at the scene. "Mama it hurts!" He screamed in agony.

Brair hated seeing her only son in pain. "Wait here." She left him to go get the first aid kit. Blaise cried some more he felt like someone was pouring salt on his wounds.

A kid around seven years older then Blaise pointed at him and laughed. "I thought your kind was used to aches and scars like that doesn't your mommy hit you?" He mocked four year old Blaise. Blaise was confused "your kind" what does that mean. And mama never hit him.

Brair ran out of the house shooing the eleven year old boy away. "Go pick on someone your own size or your mama will be picking with me!" She barked. "Savages just like mama had said!" The boy stood their sticking its tongue out on Blaise and his mother.

Brair mumbled a non wand less spell and watched as the boy flew back to his yard. He bounced off his roof and landed on his face. "Mother!" He screamed Brair watched in triumph as the young boy wept to his mother.

Brair returned her attention to her son patching up his cut. "Are you alright blossom?" She cooed checking for anymore distress on his face. Blaise nodded a smile returning to his face "I'm fine apple!" Blaise stood up and walked in front of her "see!" Brair laughed "yes I see."

"Mama?" Blaise asked picking up his red bike. "Yes blossom?" She asked picking up her kit. "That kid he said that my kind was use to being hurt, what does that mean?" Blaise questioned. "It means nothing go play with Draco their waiting for you over there." Brair went back up to her porch livid. "Can I stay for dinner!" Blaise yelled. "Sure blossom."

She always did try to protect Blaise always.


Present day

"Mama it hurts." Blaise sobbed in his cell. They put him in by himself because of his "violent" pass. He sat their alone. He missed his mom, he missed Draco, and dare he say he missed Luna. She was the only one after that war who could make him smile and he missed that feeling.

"Hey!" The guard yelled to Blaise holding something in his hands. "You got mail!" The guard slid it under his door leaving from sight. "Thank you." Blaise shouted into the darkness.

He took a seat in his paper thin bed with nothing but a towel to cover him at night. His cell had a leak and water dripped from the ceiling every couple of minutes. It was a small cell the only thing in their besides a bed was a toilet. And some dirty pieces of paper for mailing letters.

Blaise opened the crumpled letter carefully.

Dear Blaise,

I don't know if I'll be alive while your reading this.

I took a shit load of pills.

Don't ask me why I don't know I think it was because of.....

It doesn't matter but if your reading this and I'm not here but I'm dancing in the clouds forgive me?

Love Lun-

The rest was scribbled off.

Blaise ran to the cell and banged in the bars "What is this!" he hit it again "your trying to trick me aren't you!" He yelled. "SHE'S NOT DEAD SHE CANT BE dead." Blaise fell to the floor the letter falling out of his hands and into a puddle. "No no no." He tried to save it but the ink went everywhere and the paper became soggy, then it broke in half like his heart.

Blaise sobbed in his hands, the only reason he stayed so strong was because of her and now she's gone.

"It smelled like her." He laughed. "It smelled like her." He sobbed.

His court day was in four days and he didn't even know if he wanted to be freed.

Blaise picked up a rock.

And went to his wall.

Rest in the clouds Looney.

He wrote.

and fell to the floor crying.

A/n: can y'all comment and star it would mean a lot! I love you guys <3 <3

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