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Hermione and Luna have been breaking their backs to help get their fellow classmates get out of Azkaban. "This is Exhausting we have been here all night and have found literally nothing!" Hermione yelled ripping her curls out. "Why don't you go to bed I'll handle it from here I mean you've already found enough evidence to keep Marcus out of jail." Luna spoke flipping threw Blaises file for the hundredth time.

Hermione stumbled "no I can't rest until I find one more piece of evidence for pansy." Hermione yawned. Luna pulled her glasses off and giggled "you can't even walk straight - here I'll find something for Pansy if you promise to get some sleep." Hermione felt bad she felt as if Luna was doing everything "fine but you have to take a day off tomorrow." Luna rolled her eyes "Goodnight."

A few hours later, Luna heard a tap on the Gryffindor common room window, Luna turned her head to the side to see the most beautiful black owl it was ebony a very dark black, Luna opened the window and the majestic bird flew in as silent as the night. There where two letters attached to it's ankles one was assigned to Luna and the other was addressed to Hermione.

"Your a pretty little thing aren't you." Luna hummed, the bird cooed in response.

Luna put Hermione's letter on the table and began opening hers.

Dear Luna,

This may be weird of me to do considering we've only met once, but I heard you where on my sons case. Now my son is a lot of things he's stubborn, annoyingly witty, and charming but he is not guilty he only claimed the mark so I wouldn't have to. I didn't tell anyone this but I'm pregnant and he didn't want to endanger his baby sister. Luna if you get this please please please don't give up on him.

Truly, Brair Zabini

Luna re read the letter multiple times this is it this is how she's going to win the case! Luna stowed the letter safety into her boot. "This is it!" She yelled twirling around the common room. "This is how I'll win!"

Luna prepared a new file for Blaise and all of the other victims, her and Hermione where definitely going to win these cases.


Hermione, Ginny, and Luna stood outside the courtroom shaking. Luna brushed her teeth about twenty times that morning. It was the day of Marcus flints trial. Everyone was nervous.

"Are you ready?" Ginny asked grabbing a hold of their hands. "Ready." Hermione sighed, Luna nodded and they stepped into the courtroom.


They held Marcus in a cage and above him where all of the acts he had committed as a death eater. It was nothing major he just held a secret for Voldemort, and delivered a package.

Marcus frowned hiding his ghastly teeth, Luna closed her eyes as she watched him be zapped every time he got to close to the bars.

"Ms. Granger your case?" The judge looked down at Hermione who gulped. "Right - yes your honer."

Hermione went on and on and lead a great case she pleaded to the judge.

"So?" Hermione crosses her fingers behind her back. The judge looked at Hermione then at flint then back at Hermione "very well he will be set in two days time." The judge hit the mallot on his desk. "Court dismissed."

Hermione and Luna jumped into each others arms. "Don't celebrate know girls." McGonagall made their heads turn she had a melancholy look on her face "the others won't be this easy." 

Ginny walked over to the group and gave Luna's hand a squeeze. "Don't worry it will be fine" she whispered.

Right it will all be fine. She thought

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