P a r k i s o n

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Pansy Parkinson was never really people friendly, nor was she anything friendly really. Some people have put in complaints about her that would terrify you. But she was loved by her four friends.

Pansy was a beautiful young girl she had very pale almost transparent skin and her cheeks where a natural red along with her very plumb lips. She had ebony black hair that cut of to the top of her shoulders. She had a body like no other and eyes darker then your shadows.

Pansy held secrets. She held secrets from her mom, her dad and her boyfriend. Where they good secrets of course they where. She was always a good secret holder.

But today she held the secret that she was in pain.


Pansy snipped at any guard who got to close to her snarling at the guys who had tried to "show her a good time."

"Come on Puggy not today." The security guard groaned as Parkinson hid in the Conner of her cell. Her beauty had started to diminish her pale skin was turning a sickly green and her perfectly clear face had zits and bags. Her hair had split ends and you could see her ribs whenever she turned. "It's your court day!" The guard clapped in sarcasm watching Pansy cower away from him.


Pansy screamed and kicked all her way to the cage.
She became tired and helpless, she felt like an animal the way the laughed and spit on her. "Order!" The judge yelled silencing everyone it the court room.

Pansy let a single tear slide down her face. She looked up to see who was defending her, as her parents obviously wouldn't hire a lawyer. She looked to her stance and saw.

Hermione Granger? And looney Lovegood? Is that Ginny Weasley?

What the hell are they doing here.

The judge motioned to Hermione and she stood. Pansy looked up to see all of the acts she committed as a death eater. There weren't many.

Hermione cleared her throughly and presented a file to the judge. "If you will look threw that."

The judge raised his eyebrows opening up Pansy's file. "Anymore evidence ms. Granger or are we going off of love?"

The jury snickered.

Hermione put her head back in offend "if you don't believe me why don't you ask Pansy." The judge scoffed. "Like a death eater would ever tell the truth."

"Then use Veritaserum." Hermione pushed holding her head high watching Pansy flinch away from guards. The judge contemplated her proposition turning his head and humming. The court room was silent as he thought the only thing you could hear was Parkinson's slight whimpers.


Hermione went up to Pansy's cage to see if she was up to it. Before then the judge had some jumpy guy grab the potion.

"Parkinson are you alright?"

Pansy snapped her head to Hermione her black eye twitching. "What do you mean am I alright you just killed me!" She whispered shouted. Hermione was taken aback "what do you mean?"

"Veritaserum? Really your that daft once I take this potion the question is not just going to be "why did you take this mark?" It's going to be who did you kill do you still think like that? Do you really think the acts above me are the only thing I've done you Hermione granger mise well use the killing curse on me now." Pansy snapped snarling at Hermione's stunned face.

Hermione was speechless "what if I ask the questions?" Pansy looked at her somewhat hopeful.

"Are you ready miss Parkinson." The man bellowed.

"Yes but only if Granger asks the questions."


They won.

Pansy was let free and the first thing she did was go to the day spa.


Luna went back to the castle shaking it was getting hard for her to breath and she couldn't see straight, she stumbled to the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet her pills falling to the floor her hand shook as she popped three pills in her mouth swallowing them with no water.

Blaise's court day was next week and she couldn't- couldn't.


A/n: not to much of Luna and Blaise in this chapter. :( but tomorrow or today will be his trail!

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