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The Order?


Blaise and Luna jumped up from the sand and wiped their tears. "Former death eaters?" Luna questioned seeing beings in dark cloaks storm into the school.

"Draco." Blaise whispered. "We have to go come on Luna!"  Luna grabbed Blaises hand running after the dark figures. The sprinted in the dungeons to Malfoy's dorm. He was sitting on his bed sulking.

"Malfoy we have to go the order's here!" Blaise yelled grabbing his trunk. Malfoy stayed on the bed "what do you suppose we do?" Blaise looked at him sadly "you've giving up have you?" Malfoy kept his head down, Luna stayed near the door keeping watch "hurry up there coming!"

"Malfoy I know you think you deserve to go to a Azkaban but where just kids! We have our whole life ahead of us." And in barged the head of the order "Mr. Malfoy and Mr.Zabini you are under arrest for being involved with the acts of lord Voldermort." Blaise dropped the trunk as someone handcuffed his hands behind his back. "No you can't do this!" Luna cried watching them take Malfoy and Zabini away". "Stay out of this little girl!" The man snarled.

Luna scoffed and ran after Blaise "wait you can't take him!" Luna was side by side with him now tears rolling down her cheeks. "Just promise me one thing." Blaise yelled. "Anything!" She yelled back. Her hair was clinging to her face "Go to the ball with me when If I come back?"

Luna nodded while sobbing uncontrollably they took him away. Luna felt Hermione hug into her "he's gone." Hermione cried. "Yes he is."


Local arrest's

Pansy Parkinson
Theodore Nott
Adrain pucey
Blaise Zabini
Daphne Greengrass
Draco Malfoy
Millicent Bulstrode
Marcus Flint
Severes Snape

Hermione Luna and Ginny stared at the Morning paper glumly never a smile on their faces. "We have to do something." Ginny sighed pushing her eggs around. Luna has never cried so much in her life then she did that past week. Hermione didn't even correct her posture anymore she barley even brushed her hair. "I've talked to McGonagall she said I could hold their cases." Luna picked her head up from the table color returning to her face. "That's great! Your the smartest witch I know if anyone can get them out you can." Hermione smiled weakly "the only problem is there's no evidence that proves there innocent." Luna put her head back on the table "there's no hope." Ginny looked at her depressed friends. "Are you serious! These are the same girls who helped Defeat voldermort the same girl who helped find all seven horcruxes and who helped heal almost all the injured people after the war, We are the most powerful witches to exist so stop feeling bad and let's go save your boyfriends and everyone else." Ginny added scolding her friends.

Luna and Hermione laughed while whipping their tears. "Blaise is not my boyfriend." Luna added, "and Malfoy's not mine." Hermione said. "How do you know I was talking about them?" Ginny asked raising her eyebrows. They all laughed tackling each other with hugs.


Ginny, Luna, and Hermione where in the library  finding proof they where innocent. "Luna do you mind finding evidence for Blaise as his trail is third." Luna nodded opening a file. "Whose is first?"

"Marcus flint and Pansy is second." Hermione nodded writing something down. Ginny was looking for books in the restricted section. "Who do you think called the order anyway?" Ginny yelled over the dust and cob webs. "That's a very good point." Luna said looking at Blaises baby pictures.  "They have everything in these files I'm looking at a baby Blaise right now." Luna gushed. "Stay focused Luna!" Hermione giggled looking at Malfoy and younger Snape.

"You know I haven't seen Harry and Ron at all since this has been going on." Ginny whispered to her self. "Oh my Merlin!" Ginny shouted. "What?" Luna asked looking at Ginny turn a bright red. "HARRY JAMES POTTER!"


Hermione and Luna chased after a fuming Ginny while she made her way to the Gryffindor common room. Ginny barked in the password and stormed over to where Harry and Ron where gloating. "You jealous small dick bitch!" Ginny whipped her wand out on both of them. "Ginny why are we here?" Luna sat down on the lion couch watching the boys cower at Ginnys wand. "Harry couldn't stand the fact a slytherin asked me to the ball so he had to call the order just to get all of them arrested isn't that right Potter." Ginny spat her eyes bulging out of her head. "I thought you where going with Lee?" Luna got up and stood next to Hermione who was speechless. "I lied I'm going with Adrian, but Potter's ego was too big he had to cancel it." Harry gulped while Ron tried to sneak away only getting pinned by Hermione. "You evil little cockroach." She snarled in his face. Luna stood there shocked and hurt. "We didn't call them I swear we only mentioned we wish it would happen I wouldn't do that to you Gin I love you." Harry tried to plead with Ginny. Ginny laughed heartlessly "then who did?"


Ginny dropped Harry letting him fall to the floor and Hermione followed. "N-neville?" Luna gasped feeling hurt. "He owled them about a week ago."

"And you didn't stop him?" Ginny seethed, Harry cowered back in a corner along with Ron. "Oh let me at him I swear I will ruin every plant he has!" Luna held Ginny back. "No the biggest revenge is getting everyone that they took back - let's do this girls."

They walked out of the common room with their heads held high and smirks on their faces they'll get them out of Azkaban and when they do there all going to regret it.

A/n: the baby picture I imagined

A/n: the baby picture I imagined

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