O v e r d o s e

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TW: drug abuse

Luna's never taken three pills before it was always only one she had strict instructions from the doctor. But that day she took three and she had never felt happier.

She was seeing colorful spirals and bunny's hopping in and out of things. She felt like she was on a high and it was the best high she's ever been on.

She enjoyed that high for its thirty minutes but she felt it starting to wear off her room had become trashed by all of the magical "bunny's" and she finally saw the world as it was. Bland

Luna didn't like it she walked sluggishly back to the bathroom opening her medicine cabinet and taking three - four - five pills of all different kinds. She thought that it would take away the pain the confusion the loss the hurt.

Luna popped them into her mouth feeling glee, exited to see the white bunny rabbit hope among her dorm room. And to see the all the bright colors around her room.

All she saw was black.


Luna was shaking uncontrollably and foaming from the mouth like a rabid dog. Ginny and Hermione barged in exited to celebrate the win only to be left traumatized. "Luna!"

Ginny picked Luna up and Hermione led them to the nurses wing. Madam pomfrey was in shock poor innocent Luna on an overdose? No way this has to be some kind of joke. "Maybe she was bit by a dog?" Hermione suggested her face getting sweaty.

Pomfrey shook her head in disapproval, Ginny started to cry she had to sit down or she probably would have collapsed. Madam promfrey hooked Luna up to an IV watching as the medicine ran into her body while another one took the drugs out.

Poppy excluded herself as she went to talk to McGonagall leaving Ginny and Hermione alone.


"Why do you think she did it?" Ginnys voice cracked as she broke the silence. Hermione shrugged weakly "stress." Ginny shook her head "stress about Blaise?" Hermione nodded.

Hours had passed and Luna was still passed in her coma.

"Do you think we should tell him?" Hermione suggested the bags under her eyes looked unbearable. "Absolutely not are you crazy!" Ginny whispered. "But Luna obviously likes him." Hermione looked at Luna who was holding something in her hand. Hermione got curious, "what is that-?" She pried the paper out of Luna's cold limo hands. It was a letter.

Dear Blaise,

I don't know if I'll be alive while your reading this.

I took a shit load of pills.

Don't ask me why I don't know I think it was because of.....

It doesn't matter but if your reading this and I'm not here and I'm dancing in the clouds forgive me?

Love, Lun-

The rest of the letter was in scribbles Hermione couldn't believe it. "She tried to off herself." Hermione got a lump in her throat "and she didn't even know it." Hermione gave the letter to Ginny with shaky hands. "And he was the first person maybe only person she was going to say goodbye too." Ginny got out of her seat new tears pouring down her face. "Hermione don't you get it?" Hermione looked confused. "She loves him."

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