Ryder watches me sort through my thoughts and feelings with a crease brow. I'm scaring him, but I need to do this. I need to figure this out before I follow him up stairs because once I'm behind closed doors there will not be much thinking taking place. 

Ryder has continuously been there for me. Being my steady rock. He has never interfered with my job nor has he ever tired to belittle me. At no point in time has he ever shown that he will make me feel like shit to make himself feel better. Sure the band is important, but to him family is more so. My heart has always known what it wanted I only needed my brain to catch up and stop over analyzing everything.

"Aubree you're silence is starting to worry me," Ryder says in a broken tone. How had I not realize how much power I hold over this big hearted rocker, though he would deny having a heart. He has been nothing, but open and honest with me since the start of all this. 

Sure the path hasn't always been gumdrops and rainbows, but not once has he wavered from my side. I've been the one holding us back not him. He has wanted nothing more then to tell the world that I was his. That we were a team in the true sense of the word.   

He is not Adam continues to chant in my head when I speak. "I'm okay. You can stop worrying." He searches my face to see if I'm lying to him. I keep it carefully blank not wanting to express my love to him in a hotel lobby. This needs to be behind closed doors where I can ugly cry without worry and then jump his bones.

Not wanting to wait a minute longer now that I have decided to not let my insecurities and the past dictate my future I grab his hand and drag him to the elevator.

We are walking past the front desk when I hear the lady from behind yell. "Oh my God. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it." Ryder and I pause in our retreat to face her. "You're Ryder Clark!" She exclaims dancing in a little circle. I groan in frustration that a fan is holding me back from my goal, but I plaster on a fake smile. Not her fault it took me this long to realize what I want.

He bestows on her a smile. Ryder isn't usually one to enjoy all the attention. He will greet the fans and go through the motions, but his love is being on stage preforming. He could do without everything else.

"I am," he says hesitantly.

"And that was Lucan, Tray, and Mason earlier." Ryder nods his head. "Where is Dimitri?" She asks with a sigh. Great another Dimitri lover. I'm glad he's staying at Skylar's parents house. 

I step in, "he's staying with Skylar." I hold back sharing the engagement because when they decide to share with the word their news that is all on them. 

Her face flashes with disappointment. Yep another Dimitri lover. At least I wont have to beat her off Ryder. She then flashes her eyes to Ryder and gives him the once over. I fight the urge to throw my arms around him and tell her nonverbally to back the fuck off he is mine. Maybe after we have out conversation I can.

"I can't believe Steel Wolf is staying at the hotel I work in. Never in my wildest dreams did I think you would be staying here. Especially with Chicago being so close."

Ryder props his arms on the desk and leans in close to her. I watch a shiver course through his body and I clench my hands not at all enjoying the reaction he is earning from her. Sure this would have bothered me in the past, but now it is even worse because I finally got my head out of my ass. 

He glances down her and at first I thought he too was checking her out, but his eyes rest on her nametag for a second before returning to her face. "Lucy can you do me a huge favor." She leans in closer to Ryder and twirls her hair. I fight back a gag and the desire to punch her in her over done face. 

"Anything for you," she gushes causing me to roll my eyes. 

Ryder lowers his voice when he talks to her causing me to see red. "You see Lucy we are here on some R and R. I speak for the entire band when I ask this of you." He pauses and let's his sentence hang in the air.

"Anything for you Ryder," she says breathlessly. I'm pretty sure if he was to touch her she would faint behind her desk.

He leans in even closer he to the point I'm sure she can see the gold specks in his brown eyes. "We need you to please keep this to yourself." She starts to nod her head up and down. Probably due to the fact he was so close she lost the ability to speak. 

Ryder leans back from the desk and I watch Lucy stumble a little. He turns his attention to me and raises a brow. Pretty sure my poker face is long gone and all he see's is an angry Aubree. He reaches a hand out to me, but stops and draws it back to his side. 

The women at the desk clears her throat and glares at me as though she now has some claim to Ryder and how dare I take his attention off of her. News flash bitch he is mine. I just need to tell him I'm his.

Ryder must be picking up in the tension between the women and me because he jumps in-between us. "Lucy this is our manager Aubree." As soon as she hears who I am the glare disappears and is replaced by an over the top smile. I fight the urge to roll my eyes at the fakeness. Fans always try to butter me up because they know I'm the key for them to gain accesses to the band. Not going to happen.

"Hello," I tell her stepping into my manager shoes. 

"If you'll give her your contact information I'll make sure you get some signed memorabilia from the band," Ryder informs her. 

"Thank you so much," she exclaims jotting down her information and then handing it to me. I glace down at the paper to see she wrote a note asking if I could give her number to Ryder. Again not happening. 

"I'll get this sent in the mail as soon as possible," I tell her already sending a test out to my team with the information. You see we have boxes already ready to be mailed filled with band mementos and autographs. This was my idea to have it all prepackaged because it made it easier for moments like this. 

"Do you think I could have a picture with you?" She asks batting her eyes.

Ryder glances at me screaming for help. He doesn't want to turn her down in fear his rejection will cause her to spill the beans about them being here. So once again I step in to save the day. Better for her to dislike me than him. "I'm sorry Lucy, but with the band trying to stay under the radar I'm going to have to decline." I choke over the word sorry.

She nods her head, but shoots me an angry glare. I may need to check my room before entering in fear she will be standing there ready to kill me for getting in her way of getting to Ryder. 

"Of course," she mutters.

"Thank you for understanding," Ryder says winking at her and causing her to melt into the desk.

Having enough of this I press my hands into Ryder's back. "We must get going," I say continuing to shove him away from Lucy.

"Goodbye Lucy," he calls out and then just at the elevator doors are close he adds. "It was a pleasure to meet you."

At that I hit him upside his head and mutter my frustration under my breath. Then loud enough for him to hear I say, "why the fuck would you say that. Now she is probably trying to figure out which room is yours."

He gathers me in his arms and kisses the side of my neck. Whispering in my ear he says, "then I guess it's a good thing I won't be in my room."       


My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now