As I walked down to the lobby, I felt like everything was moving. I swallowed as the pain in my stomach grew, my hands began to tremble. All four of my brothers turned and saw me, their mouthed dropped in astonishment. I inhaled and smiled as my brothers ran up to me. " Wow," Adriana said. Carlo hugged me, Emiliano rubbed my back. " Damn Thalia," Nicolo said. I scoffed and smiled, " I can barely breathe." My brothers chuckled, " I just really need to eat something," I said feeling off balanced. Adriano frowned, " have you not eaten?" I glared at him, " I haven't eaten all for the last twenty four hours.I've been shopping and getting ready all today." Emiliano laughed and teased," you're starting to look like a girl." I elbowed him in the chest, Emiliano pulled me into a side hug. All I could think about was what was going on tonight. After seeing my mom in a bad position a day ago, after being left alone by both my parents the entire time we've been in Milan, and not being able to shove anything into my mouth to satisfy my hunger, I didn't think I'd be able to stay a foot all tonight.
                                - - -
We got into an Uber, as usual, our parents were nowhere to be seen. I got carsick on the ride to dinner, Emiliano made me drink some water and rest my head against his shoulder. The smell of Bakeries and restaurants caused my stomach to grumble. Carlo looked at me, " so you're telling me, that Milan woman didn't let you at anything all day?" " Yeah," I nodded. " Damn," Carlo sighed sitting back in his seat. " No wonder half of the girls here are fucking skinny," Nicolo said. " They starve themselves." I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing, I was beyond terrified about tonight. Butterflies pounded around in my stomach, I had a raging headache, I felt light-headed, and this whole attire thing I was in wasn't helping. Emiliano took my hand in his and began massaging it, " you ready?" " I guess," I said half asleep. Emiliano smiled, " you look amazing." Emiliano knew I was smiling, because he wrapped an around around my shoulders and pulled me closer. Emiliano was like the father I always wanted. He was there for me when I needed help. He was there for me as a kid when my actual dad wasn't.

We pulled up to a building that looked more like a castle. Rather than last time, this building looked way bigger and everything was decorated and lit up. The car stopped behind a white car, the doors opened. The night air bit at my skin, all I wanted was to sleep. Emiliano got out and walked over to the other side, he held out his hand. I took his hand and stepped out, I instantly felt dizzy. My legs have out and I fell, Emiliano barely caught me. " Shit," Adriano said as he ran over to us.  I opened my eyes and shook my head, " I'm fine, I'm fine." Nicolo stood by my side, " Thalia you almost just passed out, you're not fine." I swallowed, " really I-I'm fine." All my brothers stared at my dazed body. " Okay, I don't give a shit what that Milan girl said to you, we're getting you food," Emiliano instructed. He wrapped his arm around my waist, my brothers stood either behind us or next to me just in case my body collapsed again.

I had to squint as thousands of bright beaming lights lit up the dinner ball. Emiliano tightened his grasp around my waist whenever I looked like I was about to faint. " Where's mom and dad?" Carlo asked scanning the room. " They'll be here soon," Emiliano said. I looked around the massive, decorative room. The smell of food floated towards me, almost as if I were some sort of magnet. " I-I need to sit down," I said. Emiliano looked at me, without hesitation we all walked over to an empty table and sat down. Carlo handed me a glass of water, " I can't believe you haven't eaten all day." I smiled and drank the refreshing beverage. It was cold and had a bit of lemon to it.

" I'm getting tired of these things," Adriano said looking around. " Why?" I asked. " You get free food." Adriano smiled, " yeah, but we end up staying past when everyone else has left." " How about you go find some girl to talk to," I suggested. " After hearing what that girl did to you today," Carlo said. " I'm staying away from any girl here." Both Emiliano and I chuckled, we both knew that wasn't going to happen.

The dinning hall filled up pretty fast. Girls in beautiful gowns and men in clean black suits walked past our table. I got some every now and then glanced from women and men, I knew it was only because of my dress and my glittery makeup. " There they are," Carlo nodded behind me. I slowly turned around and looked at my parents. My mom wore a long satin dress, that accented her curvy body. The v neck of the dress went down and ended in the middle of her chest. Two satin red fabric pieces twisted across her stomach. Red always looked good on my mom, red was her color.

My dad as usual, wore an all black tuxedo

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My dad as usual, wore an all black tuxedo. He never wore anything else besides an all black tuxedo when it came to work dinners or parties. The patterns on his tuxedo accented the dark color, so at least his attire was boring and plain.

I watched as my parents walked towards us

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I watched as my parents walked towards us. Suddenly, a cold shiver snaked up my spine. My chest caved into my body and my air was cut off, something bad was definitely about to happen.

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