"We're nothing," you state, pushing yourself up to sit up straight. You weren't sure what'd happen if you stood up, and you didn't feel like trying.

"I'm aware," Theo replies, almost smirking. His eyes don't look sad, but they don't look happy either.

"This never happened," you say briskly, feeling guilty as the words roll off your tongue.

"That's fine," Theo says once again in the same monotonous voice as before. The only thing that expresses any emotion is his half-grin that you were almost positive was only for show.

"Why are you being so cold?" Your voice half whines, missing the warm Theo from last night.

"Says you?" This time he doesn't wear the fake grin, and he looks genuinely offended, but at the same time, you don't trust his guilt look. It's too good. It's too persuading, too genuine.

As you stare at Theo, a flash goes aflame before your eyes for the slightest second, and you see him. Your breath gets caught in your throat, but only for a moment.

"Y-your just-" the words begin to leave your mouth. You hadn't intended to say anything out loud. It just happened.

"Don't finish that sentence," Theo cuts in, his eyes flickering so similarly to the way Draco's do your heart stops its pacing. "If you're done, just grab your things and go."

Inside, your stomach pits, but you refuse to weaken in front of somebody like Theo. You hadn't expected to make anything out of last night, but you had hoped he'd be different. Though, what would he have to be happy for? You'd basically just fucked him only to spite Draco, and now you were leaving him without a second thought.

This thought runs in your head, sounding slightly familia-

No, you're not anything like Draco.

He's a heartless bastard who doesn't care.

At least you care about Theo.

A little.

You stumble out of bed, feeling the blood rush down from your head all over your body and having to lean against Theo's nightstand to keep your balance. You can feel Theo's smirk staring at your unclothed body. You try your best to not let it bother you.

Tracey Davis

As I dry my hands on the soft towels, a familiar face is reflected into the mirror in front of me.

"Pansy...?" My eyes go wide, and so do hers.

She blinks in shock before turning around, presumably, to leave.

"Please don't go," I beg as she begins to walk away.

She stands right in the frame of the entrance, she hesitates, and it almost seems like she was really going to leave. But she slowly turns around and awkwardly walks up to me.

"What's happened?" I ask a general question where answers can vary, but I want to see what Pansy has to say.

"Y/N hasn't told you?" She asks. Though she looks bored and tired, a hint of energy is in her voice.

"I haven't seen her in a while," I bite my lip, wondering what's happened to Y/N as well.

Pansy looks unsure for a moment. A second of indecisiveness plays on her face before she states her next sentence flatly, "I fucked Draco."

"You what-"

"And I'm a shitty person and a shitty friend or ex-friend now," she continues, and her voice breaks as she slowly begins to choke on each word. "And everything is falling apart, and I'm really, tired, and nothing ever seems to be going right, and I just really really want to disappear."

The Slytherin Common Room - D.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now