Day 4 (Part 1)

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|K-K-Kim Taehyung!!!!!!!!!|

I scream and jump out of the bed. I must have screamed quiet loudly. Cause he also woke up and sat up. I could see he was struggling to open his eyes. After trying hard, he opened his eyes. He gives his boxy smile after seeing me.

|Oh, Sadika-sshi. Welcome to my dream.| He says in a sleepy yet cheerful voice.

|D-dream?? W-why do you t-think it's a d-dream?| I am still in a shock and am struggling to speak korean.

|Hm? Of course, it's a dream. Otherwise, you wouldn't have worn shorts. Would you?| He gives an innocent smile.

Shorts? Oh, shit. Shorts. I'm wearing shorts. Allah...

|Kim Taehyung-sshi, don't sleep. Okay? I'll be right back.| I quickly grab a pair of pants and run to the washroom.

What in the hell is he doing here? I clearly remember telling him that I am staying tonight. Then, why?

After changing, I go back only to find him sleeping again.

After changing, I go back only to find him sleeping again

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"Oh, great. Look at him sleeping so peacefully." I was about to wake him up when I noticed his face. He was looking so cute and innocent. Allah.... Awwww.

Yaa, Sadika. Come back to reality. But still I couldn't bring myself to wake him. Alright, let's just let him sleep. I can ask this when he wakes up, right? Why should I bother a poor soul?

It was already 5:00 am. So, I do my Fajr prayer and start reciting from the holy Quran. I have the whole Quran downloaded in my phone, so I read from there whenever I get time.

After an hour:

💜💜💜💜K I M  T A E H Y U N G💜💜💜💜

I wake up in a melodious voice. I am not understanding the words but don't know why they are giving me a soothing feeling. The voice itself is euphonious, but the words were more comforting. I just close my eyes and keep listening the to it. But what language is this? It's not Bangla and definitely not Korean. I feel like I've heard it before. Anyways, where is this coming from?

So, I look around and find Sadika-sshi sitting on a sofa. She was wearing the same t-shirt from my dream. She was holding a phone and singing from it. Woah, daebak. I didn't know she has a good voice. By the way, when did she come? It's only 6 now. She is early today. Oh, no. I don't want her to see me in this situation.

|Sadika-sshi, when did you-| But I was cut off by her. She signed me to stop. So, I stop and keep listening to her.

|Now, what were you asking, Taehyung-sshi?| She asks me after putting down her phone.

|I was asking when did you come. You are remarkably early today.| I exclaim.

|You have forgotten, Taehyung-sshi. I didn't go home yesterday. And I had told you about it.| 

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