Day-1 (Part 4)

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After freshing up, I changed into a semi-formal attire, put a little makeup and went to meet the boys.

After freshing up, I changed into a semi-formal attire, put a little makeup and went to meet the boys

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My dress

| Ooo, our modern noona is back..| Jungkook yells from his dressing-table as soon as I go in. 

I roll my eyes and say, *Awww. Thank you, Mr. Jeon.* |By the way, guys. Do I have to go?|

 |Why? Is there something wrong?| J- Hope asks me back.

 | Well, no. It's just.....|

Suddenly I get a call from my brother, Ahnaf, who is 15 years old. 

What happened, now?

| Sorry, guys. I need to take this call. Excuse me.| I tell the boys and step out of their room.


Hello, didi. Are you busy? Should I call later?

No, it's okay. What happened? Is something wrong?

Well, didi. Someone asked me out today.

What?? Who asks out a 15- year old kid??? Who is she?

Oh, she's a classmate. She knows you as well. You know her too.

What do you mean by knows me?

She saw you on news in the morning, today.

And how do I know her?

Don't you remember that girl I proposed to last month?

Oh, her. Didn't she reject you? Why did she ask you out back? Something's fishy.

What fishy? Maybe she started liking me too. 

Wait, when did she ask you out?

A while ago. Why?

She is an ARMY. Right?

How do YOU know that?

So, I'm right. Don't answer her right now. Keep her hanging. Show me the chats when I come back home.

But, didi. I like her too. 

Did I ask you to reject her? I'm just telling you to hold on. I'll talk to you after I come back home. Okay?

Okay, ok. Goodbye, didi.

Allah Hafez.

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