Lisa avoids the question. "I'm rather fond of you, you know." Her breath smells of cheap champagne.

"It'd be kind of awkward if you weren't. We're in pretty deep, you know," Roseanne mimics, and Lisa's faces scrunches in disapproval.

"That was bad. That was fucking awful, Rosie." Lisa rolls off her to lean against the arm of the chair, and Roseanne finds herself missing the weight. It's nice feeling safe enough to have someone so close that even inches of separation are a loss.

"You never answered the question."

Lisa hums. "You never answered mine."

"You're cocky when you've been drinking, you know that?"

"And you're right beautiful all the time."

Roseanne pauses mid-retort, her mouth open slightly. Lisa stares at her from across the couch, that damn cheeky smirk on her face.

"Quite alright there, Rosie Posie?" Her voice is just above a whisper, sultry and mischievous. Leaning in, "Look a little flushed."


Lisa studies her fingernails. "Out with it, darling. Haven't got all night."

"I...I'm fond of you, too." Roseanne manages. "Even when you're lying."

Lisa feigns outrage, hand coming up to clasp her chest. "Never lied a day in my life. 'Specially not to my favorite person in the fuckin' world, who also happens to be the most lovely woman I ever laid eyes on."
She runs her hands up Chaeyoung's calves.

Roseanne scoffs, gently shoving her off. "'Never lied' my ass, but I'll let it slide just this once, and only because you're knackered."

"Am not," Lisa replies petulantly, then promptly yawns. She freezes. Roseanne raises an eyebrow. "Fuck, betrayed by my own fucking body. Knew I never liked you,"
she says to her stomach for no discernable reason. "Gone and ruined my whole plan."

"Your plan?"

"Meant to woo you."

"I'm sorry," Roseanne laughs, "that was your attempt at being sexy?"

"Ah," Lisa pouts, "thought I was doing a marvelous job, thank you very much. You'd've been properly smitten. Irresistible, I am."

"Yes, right, of course," Chaeyoung snorts, "consider me thoroughly wooed."

"Aha! See that, ladies and gents? That's how it's done." She gestures around the empty back room to her invisible audience, which Roseanne assumes is giving a standing ovation. She joins in, her solo bout of applause echoing too loudly in the space.

"Hey, Casanova. This plan of yours have an endgame?"

Lisa cuts her sweeping bow short.
"'Course. Can't rile you up with nowhere to go. No fun in that."

"And your goal was..." Chaeyoung prompts, sensing a trend. "To flirt me into bed with you?"

"Forgive me for wanting to romance my business partner to celebrate our smashing success."

"Business partner, huh? Not sure how the laws work back in Thailand, but here in Seoul, we have rules against sexual activity in the workplace."

"Best get out of the workplace then, yeah?" Lisa's eyes are dark.

"Yeah," Roseanne breathes. She has half a mind to pin Lisa to the couch then and there. Not to go any further than, perhaps, a heated make out session.

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