Ive Found Them!

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Recap: They've been trying to do everything to help Army but nothing is working, luckily the Word about them in jail has been passed down in Inkopolis, so the blue team and the rest of the S4 heard but they're not sure if the plan they've been thinking about will work.

And so Armys father poured a potion he was given into a drink, so Army could drink it, while he did this, he wondered if this was a good idea for him to do. He made his way upstairs and saw Army gazing out the window looking down at everyone make preparations, it was the evening so the sky looked great as a background. Slowly, Malik made his was into the room and got Armys attention so he wouldn't scare him. "Army?" "What is it?" Army said sounding miserable, he couldn't find anyone. It was like they had all just disappeared. "I-I got you a beverage " Malik presented the tray carrying two cups of tea, one of Armys favorites.

"Really?" Army looked down and saw two cups of tea with coasters underneath. He reached his hand out for the one that was closest, the right one, since His father was standing on his left side. Malik stopped him but having a tight grasp on his hand. This surprised Army, his father had never done this before. "Um, thats mine Army, uhm Decaf other wise I'll be up all night!" An excuse like that would normally make Army suspicious, but all on his mind was where he thought the location of his friends were.

"Oh okay" Army didn't pay much attention to his fathers actions and put it aside. He reached his hand for the left cup and placed the coaster down. "Thank You Dad." Army looked at him with a Nice smile and continued sipping in his tea. While he did that Malik just stared with a worried face but tried to forget it and drank his tea that, wasn't decaf, even though he knew he'd genuinely need it.

Time Skip

Aloha and his friends continued waiting in jail thinking of their next move. Aloha walked back and forth to each end of the jail cell they were in. Rider was sitting looking out the one window that they had and Goggles was in a corner. The jail cell they were in was far from any other and had enough security through the first door. For some reason there was a Window up on the top ceiling the glass wasn't very stable and they tried to stay away from it incase it broke down. It had a nice view though.

Little did they know the blue team was on their way to at least provide some comfort for them, knowing that their in jail, they thought it must be harsh. Only Skull went to join them Mask had better things to do, he had already dont enough by showing them the video. So he went back to the Arcade to play.
It only took afew minutes to get there, half an hour but that was enough to make the friends waiting in jail genuinely desperate to escape. Of course they knew it was bad but Aloha didn't want to sit there waiting around for his lover to be engaged or tortured by someone he didn't know.

No matter what they tried it there was no luck to escape. The walls were too strong, (brick walls) and the windows (as usual) had bars from the outside.

Short time skip

It was now time blue team had already arrived and looking for the jail they were in, the didn't get any help because everyone was mean to them, they were a but messy but that wasn't a problem to them.

After what seemed like an eternity of looking and running they had found the one hail that was well hidden and something in their heads told them,

Theyre in here, I know it

Chapter End

《Well this chapter mightve been a little too short because its in paragraphs now》

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