The Lie

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Ill stick with this cover for now
Recap: After getting some advise from the oldest maid, Julie, The king is trying to do the best he can to get rid of Aloha so Army can get married with someone Proper, and so he's been invited on a trip.

Next Morning ~


"Hey wake up you two!"

"What?!" Both Goggles and Rider were awake "whats going on?"

"Finally! you two dumbasses sleep deep!"

"Whyd you wake us up Aloha?" Rider got up and rubbed his eyes pulling the sheets off of him.

"I uh.." Aloha cleared his throat. "The king invited me to talk in the forest but i dont know the first thing to say it'll be awkward! Could you guys help meee?" He whined and pulled the blanket off of Goggles so he'd wake up.

"Of course Aloha! We'd be glad to! Right Rider??"

"Fine just give us time to change and we'll meet'ya outside."


"Alright were here"

"So Aloha where did the king want to meet?"

"Uhh the bug oak? Any of you know-"

"Oh yeah we know where that is i think, we passed by it before we crashed the wagon!"

"Right.. anways you can follow us Aloha"


Time skip again into the forest

"You guys sure we arent lost? We've past that tree for a while now, although its hard to tell if its the same one."

"I told you we should've have followed Goggles" Rider huffed.

"Dont worry I know where I'm- where were going"

"Ugh this is hopeless" Aloha had given up and sat down on a nearby rock. "My one chance to make things up with Armys deadbeat father and I end up lost in a forest with you two"

"I agree I give up too."

"Cmon boys im sure we can find a way we just have to belei-" Before anything a rock hit Goggles on the head but it wasnt hard enough to make up unconscious.

"Ow?" He rubbed the spot that was hit. "Where the heck did that rock come from?"

"Seemed like a trap I suggest you guys watch were you step," Aloha pulled his feet inside op top of the rock.
"Youre right ! I already got my leg stuck in some sand! Haha"

"Goggles thats quick sand,"

"Thats odd...Is quicksand found in forests? Or near water?" Aloha scratched his head.

"Not sure but it looks...hey someone dug a hole and filled it with quicksand!" Rider reached to the bottom of the hole where Goggles' leg was caught in.

"Yep I can feel the bottom"

"Hmph, clever trap though" goggles started to grasp at some of his legthat was under sand in attempt to pull it out. "stuck.." he muttered in defeat, either his foot was really stuck or he was just really weak.
"You dont think you can do it yourself right? Aloha come give me a hand! And I mean it because my arm......also won't come out"

"Alright, Rider with the last arm pull up ill also pull and with your right hand, hmmm, push his leg up."

"Alright...on 3,"

"3!" Apparently Aloha was too impatient.

Together they pulled but not strong enough only Goggles foot was left to pull out. "Cmon 'loha! Rider pull stronger!" He cheered
"Well M-maybe your leg would be free if you were helping too.." Rider tried to catch his breath.

"Hey Goggs, you think you can strong enough to just pull it out , easily?"

"Hmm maybe your right!" With all he had Goggles pulled and pulled but his foot wasn't that stuck in the sand so when he he gave it the strongest tug he flew back and hit his head on a tree. "See it wasnt that stuck!" of course Aloha tried to pretend that he didn't see him get hurt. "Yeah yeah let's just move before we run into some other trap." "Haha...makes me wonder who put that trap!!" Goggles wasnt really himself his head was still hurt obviously.

"What?" Both stopped walking to turn to Goggles.

"Right.. how could anyone know we'd be out here and place those traps ahead of time?"

Rider gave him the look that meant he already knew.

"Oh shit, Obviously! Only the king knows! Damn he really does hate me to death!"

"Sorry Aloha.." Rider couldn't help but feel sympathy towards the pink inkling.

"Dont worry, this isn't because of you..." Aloha sat down and stared into a lake that showed his reflection.

"Dont beat yourself up Aloha, its not really your fault the king hates you"

"It technically is, I started dating his son, and he doesn't like anything about me.."

"Right but I dint think it means its too late to fix whatever is going on"

"Yeah well you would wish it wasnt too late... theses no point in trying to fix something that's beyond repair"

A couple of minutes passed by as the three boys began to think.

                                                 Chapter end

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