Its For You Isnt It?

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Recap: Aloha, Rider,And Goggles have been lost in the forest for a while, but they finally decided to get some help From Julie, They found out she runs a potion shop where they make potions too, Aloha and Rider Found a potion that could help, But Goggles might have accidentally got them caught.

"We gotta get out of here now!" Rider warned.

"Right just get the potion and were out of here!" Aloha dragged both of them out the room and near the arm rail and looked up to see a near exit.

"Hey over there! That doors wide open!" Rider pointed down at the big doors that was open, Aloha grabbed both of them by their jackets while Goggles held the potion.

Everyone got their potions and attacked them (they were inexperienced inklings who didn't have weapons), some random potions that they didn't know the effects of, Aloha was still choking both of them because the grip on their collars so they couldn't really move, Aloha was doing all the work, The doors they planned on escaping from had a doorstop that could only be removed from the top, since they couldn't close it they decided to block their path, The three inklings were cornered into the middle of the stairs.

Rider and Goggles defended Aloha from being pushed off the rails still choking of course, Aloha jumped off landing and trying to balance on the Water wheel (the sides) while dodging the potions that were being thrown at them. He messed up the order of the wheel and it spilled some green liquid and it reached some of the workers, and they turned into their squid form but couldn't change back.

Eventually they jumped off and landed on the top where they can see everyone from above. The door was still barricaded by the workers so they jumped out the window and landed down on the grass Aloha let go of their collars letting them run for themselves.

Time Skip where they made it to safety

" *PANT* Y'know Aloha... you said we'd use the door..." Rider said he picked up Goggles, he ran into a tree again just dazed though.

"Yeah well that door was not in our r-reach.."

It took a while for all them to catch their breath and calm down.

"So hey..What does that potion do?" Aloha said.

Goggles got up "it says...'beauty divine..' it says that it'll also help people with their greatest potion."

"Ha theres no way a small potion could do all that!" Rider scoffed

"But its possible if that witch is Julie!" Goggles assured him.

"Right..well what should we test it on?"

"What do you mean?" Goggles tilted his head

"This was in the room where they haven't tested these yet.."

"And what made this a great idea?"

"Well we didn't technically have an option since Goggles didn't watch the door correctly"

Like that was a hard job.. Rider thought "well ill test if for you," ill take any risk I can to get away from Goggles..

"Really Rider?" Aloha looked up.

Ah! "NO ill test it, its what best friends do!" Goggles got in the way and pushed Rider to the side. Goggles got the potion and drank it only half leaving some for Aloha.

"So.. how do you feel?"

"Not much different...."

"Great.. guess we'll wait for the effects to kick in, in the mean time ill take some of this."

"You sure Aloha?" Rider was trying to re assure him that it could be dangerous.

"Its for Army" Aloha sighed deeply and took a bug gulp of the last of the potion.

                                Chapter End

The Potion | Aloha X Army Splatoon | Coroika Story|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt