Cure For Care

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Recap: The king has sent Aloha and his friends tot he forest to talk, after realizing it was a fake, they finally give in to get some help from Julie.

Inside the Shop, there was Alot of amazing potions with different abilities and in the back A door was shut with potions that weren't ready to be released and still testing.

The three made their way to Julies office, but it was just a room with big pink curtains, the slowly opened it and saw her from behind pouring something in a big black pot (witch!!!) And stirring it until gas came out.

"Whats this place!?" Goggles exclaimed loud enough and 'the witch's got caught off gaurd, poured too much and the pot exploded.

When the gas cleared up they saw Julie, up close and mad as hell.

"What are you doing here!?"

"Uhh well it seems that Army isnt...exactly happy with everything going on and we thought-"

"Is there anything wrong with that dear?" Julie said looking calmed down and turned around to re arrange her pot.

"What do you mean?"

"Why would Army be happy if he's your partner?"


"Every relationship here ended and started well, why not yours? makes me wonder.. maybe its because of you, being a poor and disrespectful partner is something no one wants or needs!"

They were interrupted by a worker bringing in a cart.

"Oh..sorry I didn't know you were here Ms J," he glanced over at the three boys (inklings? i dont know)

"No thats fine! We were just about to leave..Right guys?"

"Right.." Rider and Goggles nodded and followed Aloha to the exit.

"Whats the plan now?"

"Hmmm Oh! Maybe we could steal a potion! If that's all right with you 'loha" Said Goggles and the hid in a near closet.

"Its for Army.."

"Okay! No how should we go about this?" They all though for a moment and took some worker clothing from the closet they were in, stole and empty cart that would fit the big pot that Julie used, its also where Goggles and Rider hid.

"Where should i.....? Oh the potion room it should have something in there!" Aloha muttered so no one would hear him there was alot of inklings there, so he made his way and entered the room shutting the door.

"Alright you guys can come out now.."

"Finally, it stank in there!"

"I agree Goggles, you don't exactly smell like a basket of roses!"

They caught their breath and looked around.
"All right well one of these has got to help.."

"I was just going to cook this very plan! And already our minds are becoming one.."

"Oi! If we need instructions on how to strip peoples pants off we'll call you!"

Ugh whatever Goggles thought.. "I don't think this is a good idea Aloha" Rider said.

"All right well.. Goggles go make yourself useful and go keep watch! Me and rider will try to reach a useful potion!"

"Fine.." Goggles made his way to the door opening it not too much.

"So how do we reach a good potion without a ladder?"

"We could use this stick thats in the cart"


"Guess it wasnt Goggles now was it?~ anyways you use it ill guide you!"


Rider got a hold of the pole looking stick (I dont know what those are really called) and raised it high.

"All right ! Shit these potions don't really have a good label but maybe...Reach to your left!"

Rider dropped the potion and caught it, "A stool softner?"

"Right Rider im sure a good BM is the answer for marriage relationships problems!" He turned back around and kept watch.

"Put it back ill keep guiding you!"

"Alpha Delta? " "uh no?" "Hex Tracks?" "No way Ill just find something that had 'relationship' in it or 'handsome' something that'd seem to help"

"Doesn't seem to be any handsome potions Aloha, pluss this first shelf is filling fast."

"Ah! Up there! It says 'Changed Form'! Its to your right and up!"

Rider got ahold of it but it fell.

"Rider dummy!" Goggles jumped out of place to catch it but someone had spotted them and ran to get their boss.

"Uh we better get out of her now!"

Chapter End

The Potion | Aloha X Army Splatoon | Coroika Story|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt