Goggles' Plan

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Recap: The king invites Aloha and his friends (not really he just invited them~) to go and meet him by a big oak tree, but when they went, they went they realized it was a trap.

"You know where here to help Aloha" Goggles got up and went to sit next to him.

"Thanks.." Aloha looked over to him and Goggles glanced at Rider only to see his mind wasn't on this earth anymore, he looked completely zoned out.

"Aloha! I could help you if you could help me!"

"Well...whats your plan?"

Goggles didnt say anything he reached inside of his pocket and grabbed a card with a number. The same card Julie had given Army , Goggles swiped it from his pocket incase he wanted her help.

"Goggles where did you get that?" Asked Aloha

"I swiped it from Army now you can use it!"

"Tch theif..so what do I have to do for you now?"

"Hmmm well," the blue inkling glanced over at Rider still lost in his thoughts.
"Could you help me get closer to Rider? Pleeeaassseee?"

"Fine that is, if this plan works,"

"Alright we have to call in order to get help right?"

"According to that Julie or whatever" Aloha pulled out his phone and dialed but instead of making a ring tone, a hologram of one of the workers.

"Woah that isn't a new phone right?!"


"Hello thank you for calling! If youre calling for an interview with Ms. Julie she's busy right now and won't be accepting any calls, but we'd be delighted to take an order at the front desk please follow the white line!" Then the hologram slowly disappeared and on the floor from the flash light on the phone, made a path telling them where to go.

"Goggs hurry up and get Rider back to this world, ill start following this uh..path"

"Can do!" Goggles pantsed Rider since he was still standing that seemed to wake him up, soon both quickly went to follow behind Aloha. Soon all three made it to a Shed, kind of it was big but in the state of a shed, not so much of a fancy entrance but inside was fancy it had a pink with yellow striped carpet that led to the front desk, where the worker was writing something down using a feather and some black ink. The three inklings slowly approached the desk.

"Uhh Hello?" Aloha broke the ice.

"Yes im sorry Ms Julie is currently busy and cannot speak at the moment." He spoke pretty fast.

Get me a chocolate drink or milkshake and make it quick! A voice came from the workers phonograph they seemed to be pretty old school to have or use something like that. "Yes Ms. J ill also be with you right away" in order to communicate through it he had to press a button on the little platform thing it didn't have an recorders to play music.

"Wow working here must be a pain huh?" Goggles said.

"Yeah well, ms Julie only wants whats best for her and her daughter. We don't have much insurance or a single warranty on anything so we have to treat everything gently."

An idea popped in Riders head. "Oh well we were sent here to do an inspection to see how safe this really is, I also think its best that your boss doesn't know that were here"

"Um of course, go right in" the worker showed them the way to enter.

There were so many more of them, they all wore a cloak with a sign on the chest they used water wheels to sort out potions and new bottles in the back there was a door that was shut Where the potions were all kinds of potions!

  Chapter End

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