With Some Help

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Recap: The dinner was a disaster no one had anything in common and this was going to be a long visit When Army left, he had a visit from someone who might be able to help him with his problem

The Maid let herself in and sat on the bed. "You might not remember me.."she started, "but im from your childhood My name is Julie."
"If youre from before I was 8 then I definitely don't remember," Army reminded her before she could continue.

"Well dear, if you ever need any help ill give you my card just give it a call and its filled with millions of people who can help you." She winked and gave Army the card.

"Theres you are!" Aloha slammed the doors open with Rider and Goggles behind them.

"Thanks for leaving we were left to clean and pick up most of the food" Rider sat down and opened his phone.

"Whos she army?" Goggles pointed his finger to the Maid.

"Her names Julie she was apparently with me when I was young"

"W-whos he?!" Julie looked offeded, she was the one who arranged the marriage for him in the future.

"H-hes Aloha my boyfriend.."

"Wha-?" Julie didn't know what to say "well fine! Just remember to give the card a call and we can make your life happy-"

"Thanks but we've got all the happiness we need" Aloha turned and sat on the arm of the couch where Rider was sitting.

"Well I see bye then Army dear~" Julie let herself out

"Nice moves Aloha if you don't want anyone's help you could at least try to have gotten along with my parents!"

"You know I dont think I would've gotten 'daddys blessing' no matter what route I took, or even if i wanted to I told you coming here was a bad idea"

"Do you think it would be nice if someone asked me what I though was better? Or something that I want at least? You've always been the dominant one in this relationship"

"Well if you wish, Do you want me to pack?"

Goggles got up and sat next to Rider The atmosphere looked terrible when all he could see was Alohas angry face. "Cod youre unbelievable!"

"Please Aloha Shes only trying to help us" Army noticed that Goggles was rummaging through all his stuff seeing how he never had this when he was young.

"She can help us pack, Were leaving" Aloha got up and grabbed a luggage.

"When did you decide this?" Army walked over and closed the luggage before he could fill it. "Shortly after arriving!" Aloha tried to re open the luggage but Army had a strong grip on it.

Army soon let go and made his way to the door to exit. "Change is something everyone has to accept Aloha, i thought you'd notice what I did for you" Army left and closed the door.

"Good job 'loha" Rider glanced up and to his side Goggles was sleeping so he elbowed him so hard he'd wake up.

"Well whatever Armys family is Insane"

"So much for royalty" Rider got up and dragged Goggles out of the room since he was still half asleep.

"Ughh Crap I really fucked up this time" Aloha went to bed

Time skip (sorry the situation was kinda awkward to finish it)

Army had gotten in bed when Aloha was asleep.

"Why do you look so rushed?"

"I dont know this dinner was a mess " Malik stopped panting and walking around to sit down on the end of the bed.

"No thanks to a certain someone I know.." Dione put down her book and took of her glasses, "You have to let our son live his own live let him make his own decisions"

"I..... I suppose you're right.."

"Youre parents never seemed to be too alarmed when we used to date."

"Well you weren't insane"

"Remember when we were young no one could control us and life seemed so free, Didnt it? It's not the same if youre Trying to make youre way up to the top within one measly step."

"I'm going to sit outside with the doors open.."

After a while of sitting outside,there was a knock at the door.

Chapter End

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