Lies and Promises

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Recap: Army and Aloha are having a debate of weather they should stay or leave assuming that everyone in Armys family would be disappointed. It seems that the maid Julie will be willing to help them.

Malik got up and went to answer the door

"Wha- what are you doing here?" Malik arms hovered over the opened doors refusing to let the girl in.

"Dont Worry King, I simply came with an offer"


"Almost everyone in the kingdom heard your problem but im here to put them to rest"

"Malik whos at the door?" Dione forced the covers off her to get up.

"U-Uh don't worry ill deal with them" he turned around to face her.

"If you are here to help whats your plan?"

"Theres a car waiting outside get in Sir" Julie pulled his arm.

"Malik what are you doing?"

"J-Just stretching this will take a while!" Malik was about to shut the door when two Inklings wearing black suits escorted him out.


The car they were going to ride was a Limo with white stripes.

"U-uh id rather stay and talk h-here" He backed up but the two bigger inklings pushed him inside the car. The two inklings got in and the car sped forward.
Next to Julie was the inkling that had to be Armys Future partner or her daughter, She was tall somewhere there she wore a nice white beaded necklace black baggy pants and a white crop top.

"This is Lily she was supposed to be the one to marry Army" Julie opened a window to let air rush in.

(I got the name from the lil devil horns but replaced it with a beaded necklace)

"Of course I never forgot her name!"

"Of course you didnt but she comes back only to find out that her already engaged! Or dating a boy! How can you allow that?!" Julie did her best not to scream, she was still a maid.

"Its not my fault she didn't make it to Inkopolis in time!"

"Ugh obviously, but you barely did anything to prevent it"

The car stopped at a house it looked like one and Julie got out and went to pick something up she got back in and they were on their way, it was night and he had to be home quick his wife was still waiting there. The driver stopped in front of the kingdom.

"I expect you to snap your son out of his insanity from dating a man... Im on break, see you later king"

The car threw the king out and left. Malik rushed up the stairs and ran through the halls as quick as he could. He entered the bedroom where his wife was asleep and the lights were off beside the candle that reasted on top of a plate on hpthe dresser not too far from the door.

I suppose our maid is right, I could prevent our son from marrying 'Aloha' was it? Malik thought went downand took out a map from the library, he tried to look of the most terrible place his town had, he found out it was a forest where people were bound to get lost. He made his way to Armys room and knocked on the door.

Aloha was still awake and sitting ant the end of the bed. I guess I gotta do it for him, shit why? As if his father even wants to give me his blessing. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door so he carefully got up and went to go answer it. It was the king what could he be doing at this hour?

"Uh could I help you?" Aloha said.

"Well im sure we got off in the wrong foot this morning, and evening, how about we make up tommorow for this morning what do you say how about we meet up to motown by the big oak tree?"

For Army... "of course"

"I'm not sure that was a good idea Rider!"

"Its his problem he'll deal with it"

"Yeah but we were invited and we gotta help out our friend!"

"Yeah just go to sleep Already Goggs we'll deal with it in the morning"


Chapter End

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