Some Dinner This Was

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Recap: After arriving at Armys Parents' kingdom, theyre invited for dinner and are interrupted by something or someone making noise in the kitchen...

Make way!

Sorry sorry watch your foot

That sounds like..Aloha thought before the doors crashed open
It was Goggles and Rider Unlike goggles, Rider was clean and just finished putting his sweater on Goggles was disguised as a pig, dirt on his face and some of his pants was torn up.

"Hey everyone!" Goggles said with a smile.

"Thanks for waiting i guess" Rider said Pissed off by what goggles just did.

Apparently after parking the car, the man who was guiding the horse tied it up to a podium since in The land of Marcando (lol I dunno) cars weren't used and rarely found, Goggles and Rider were still in the carriage after the man left to get something next door.

"Hey Rider you ever ride a horse before?"

"No you idiot I suggest you dont touch it," Rider said and glanced over to the blue inkling that was next to him. "Wait where'd you go?"

"Yeah! Let's go take this thing out for a ride!"

Goggles had led the carriage to go up some hills and when the horse bailed on them they crashed into a room in the kingdom , its big in there so no one heard.
When Goggles and Rider sat down next to the queen, The kind started to scold them wagging his finger up and down saying "no bad down this table if not for ruffians"

"Woah woah its ok um dad their with us!" Army said as soon as he glanced up.

"Yeah K! Lighten up! Were noble friends! Hey waiter how about some bowls for the prince's friends!?!" Goggles said like he had no idea what he just did or said.(that dog)

Everyone could feel the tension rise in the air as it grew quiet only glares filled the room.

"Oh boy this is gonna be a long day.." Aloha muttered and started to drink whaterever was on his plate.

"Oh Crap.. Aloha!" Army muttered the first part.

"Hm?" Aloha said and looked up.

"No no 'loha!" Army quickly got his attention and made a gesture of what he should do. The bowl was to clean his hands with.

"oh" Aloha looked around and even Goggles knew what to do, he smashed his head on the table out of embarrassment

"So.." Dione cleared her throat, "hows your um home where you live?"

"Oh uhhh-" Army stuttered to find an answer."Aloha owns his own land" this was no true they have the top or second floor of an apartment

"Right!!" Alohas ears perked up "a nice tall home"

"Pfft what?! Haha! Dont tell me you're talking about the 3 star apartment! Thats one quality home!" Goggles interrupted them he said sarcastically.

"GOGGLES YOU IDIOT!" Rider pinched his shoulder.

"No no its fine for such a vulgar and rude inkling, its quite common, and typical!" Malik said finishing his drink.

"Well I suppose that would be a fine place to raise the children," Dione said.

"C- children?!" Both Aloha and Malik chocked on their words and drinks

"W-Well its a bit early to be thinking 'Bout that ain't it?" Aloha said clearing his throat.

"Indeed i just started eating!" Malik muttered the last part but it was obvious that everyone heard.

Chapter end

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