Its Been a While

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Okay so im gonna make these pages quick to not waste anyone's time especially mine. Your welcome.

-Team Pink Wins!-

Diver / Snorkel -"Ugh not again!"

Straw- "its not out fault you can't dodge Snorkel!"

Aloha - "cmon it was a fair game wasnt it Army~?"

At this point everyone already knew that Aloha and army were in a relationship and they didn't hide it much no matter how much Army wanted to.

"Alright well that's enough for today so were all gonna head home" Army said out of breath.

"Yep let's go Dear!" Every inkling packed their weapons and went home so did Aloha and Army, only to find a surprise.

"Cmon Army just a peck!"

"I said no er.. Not Yet im not in the mood!"

"Well you should be you beat us in the first 5 matches!."

As the door opens to their apartment, they see a blue figure sitting in the singular couch watching TV.

Aloha didnt pay much attention and bent army down holding his back and hand bending in for a kiss and before theyre lips could touch

"Oh youre home so what was the results?!" Goggles said.

"Ack! googles what and how did you get in here?!" Aloha said letting go of Army as he straightened his position patting down his parka.

"Oh you know you guys were gonna for a while so I decided to do all your chores!" The blue inkling said cheerfully with a beamed smile on his face.

"Oh you mean like separating the mail.... Watering the plants..." Aloha said with a smirk while glancing over to the pile of mail and the unwatered plants that were on the virge of death.

"Yeah!! And feeding the fishies!"

"But we don't have any fish" the two said in sync.

"Ya sure do now I call that one Army and the other Aloha!"

When the two inklings glanced over to the fish they saw Aloha the fish, face up.....dead goggles was just to childish to realized Army the fish was still swimming but the water in the bowl was dirty, green with poop.

"Right..." Army said fixing his sleeves.

"Ugghhh" Aloha groaned and pulled his face down frustrated.

"Hey its okay ill deal with this" Army muttered in Alohas ear patting his back.

"Goggles dont you have anywhere to be like hang out with youre crew?"

"Yeah well they've been a little moody lately...... So I thought I'd hand out with yous guys!"

Its about time The blue team had enough of goggles' crap

"Thats nice but Aloha and I are in a relationship now.." Army said with a soft smile.

"And we need some time together.." Aloha finished him off.

Goggles smiled and nodded


Goggles smiled and nodded

"with nobody here to bother us "

"Dont you worry! I'll make sure nobody bothers you.!"

"Goggles.." Aloha said on edge.

"Hmm?" Goggles hummed.

"You bother me the most" Aloha muttered but they still heard.

"O-oh...thats fine me and Rider and the team were turf war then ranked later on.." Goggles said with his smile crushed making his way out to the door. Aloha and Army looked at each other. "Oh he'll be fine hes been through worse" Aloha reassured Army.

They turned around to see the mess of what they needed to fix and turned back around to see goggles at the doorway.

"Goggles! How...I saw you leave and-" Aloha said

"Alright Alright! But you should tell these guys they need to leave too!" Goggles said getting out of the way to show what he meant.

"Huhhh?" Both looked shocked when the played a fanfare with their trumpets. (Not sure what type)

The men made way for the middle one to read a note.

Thats the first chapter done ill try to update ASAP maybe 600 words per page

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