She looked about twenty, her makeup made her look way older. " I love your dress," the girl said. I smiled, " thank you." The girl nodded, " I'm Sofia." " Thalia," I said. Sofia's eyes widened, " are you in the Galonos family. " Yeah, why?" I asked. Sofia smiled, " nothing, it's just that your dad is amazing at his job." My dad? " Uh thank you," I said. Sofia chuckled, " isn't your family like the richest in all of Italy?" " I honestly don't know," I informed. " I don't pay attention to how much money my parents own. Sofia nodded, " well it was a pleasure meeting you Thalia." I smiled, " you too." Sofia walked past me and around the corner, her sweet perfume brushed into my face.
- - -
I walked out of the bathroom, fixing my dress. Right as I looked up, some guy bumped into me. I stumbled backwards as he continued walking past me, down the hall. " Excuse you!" I yelled at him. He partly turned his face so that I could only see his side profile. He wore a clean tuxedo, his hair was wavy but some would say it's on the messy side. He had a clean jawline, and slender green eyes. I stared at him, " watch where you're going!" The guy turned his head and continued walking down the hall. I slipped my strap back up onto my shoulder and sighed, all I wanted right now was to be alone in my hotel room. I touched my shoulder and winced as I could feel a bruise forming. Was that guy blind or something, how did he not see me?

By the time I sat back down at the dining hall, my family had already eaten their desserts. My plate had a cherry pie slice on it, with whipping cream on top. My mom smiled and looked up at me as I sat down. " Hey," my mom said. I smiled at her and began to eat my dessert. Emiliano leaned in to me, " our family just got $4,000,000." I chocked on my pie and looked at him, Emiliano smiled. " Why?" I asked. Emiliano shrugged, " dad did something and we got a lot of money." I looked at my dad, who was talking to a guy in a light blue tux.
- - -
After washing myself and taking off all my makeup, I lay on my bed , starring at the ceiling. What was so important that made my dad fly the whole family down here? What did he arrange for me? The dinner was unexpected, but nothing was given to me or arranged for me. Whatever my dad was hiding from me, he was hiding it well, very well.

It was well past ten, I swirled my feet around in the pool the hotel had. A few kids splashed around, I was surprised that kids were still up. My mind couldn't help but think about what the heck my dad was planning for me. Why did we fly to Milan, who was the guy on the stage during dinner, and the guy in the blue tuxedo talking to my dad? Then suddenly, the guy that bumped into my and bruised my shoulder fluttered into my mind. I didn't get a clear view of his face, but by his side profile, he was pretty cute. Yes, Thalia Damitra Galonos actually thinks a guy is attractive. I set my hands down beside me on the poolside concrete and leaned back. The night was cool, occasionally a soft breeze would flow by causing my arms to erupt into goosebumps. I took a deep breathe in and slowly exhaled, the silence soothed my rumbling thoughts. I closed my eyes and without thinking, I began to undress.

I wore jean shorts, and a white tank top. Setting my things beside me, I sighed and stared into the pool. I closed my eyes and dove in, the refreshing cold water attacked my warm skin. Everything was peaceful, everything was so quiet. Underwater, everything seemed to be paused. The only thing I could hear was the soft humming of the pools vents. Feeling a burning sensation in my chest, I immediately kicked my legs and swam up to the surface. The pool area was empty, I was alone. I smiled in satisfaction as I laid my head back into the water and waded around. My cold body was numb, but in a good refreshing way. I stayed in the pool for about a good half hour before getting out, grabbing my stuff, wrapping a towel around my body, and walking back up to my room.

It was late, everyone was either asleep or in the cafe working. My hair tapped to the side of my face and my back. My clothes were crumbled up in my hand, I shivered as the towel around me barely covered my chest and thighs. Goosebumps covered my body, the cold hotel AC clinch to my wet figure. Out of every room in this hotel, mine was on the seventh floor. The carpet floor tickled my wet feet, a trail of my wet footsteps followed behind me. I'm pretty sure I was the only person awake, or still wondering about the hotel. I groaned and looked down at myself, the towel had to have been kids size because it was puny. I was about 5'8, so this towel wasn't really doing a good job at covering all of me.

Right as I turned the corner, I smacked into something. My clothes dropped to the ground, my towel almost gave up on its job. I clenched my jaw in annoyance, was I just invisible to everyone? I readjusted my towel and turned around to see what blind dimwit smacked into me. " Hello?" I yelled after the unknown person who was walking down the hall. It was a guy, of course it was a guy. He wore an all black tuxedo, his hair was wavy but messy. " A sorry would be nice!" I yelled down the hall. The guy barely turned his head, I only saw his side profile. I glared at his back until he rounded the corner. I was too cold, wet, and tired to give a shit.

Walking back to my room, I closed the door and jumped into the shower, again. The warmness dissolved my cold body and any negative thoughts running through my mind. I changed into a pair of loose black pajama shorts, and a oversized light pink shirt. I blow dried my hair before turning off the lights and getting into bed. I didn't even have to force myself to go to sleep, it was late and my muscles were sore. Soon I dozed off, I couldn't help but think about the guy in the hallway. He looked familiar, even though I didn't get a clear shot I his face. I felt like I'd seen him somewhere. I sighed and pushed away the thought before turned onto my side. It was late, and I knew tomorrow was going to be a very hectic day.

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