Chapter 29.

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Forgiveness. How easy it is to read about but how difficult it is to actualize. They say to err is human and to forgive is divine.

How do you forgive someone who caused you so much hurt that you had to blank out on some days? There was a time I almost got hit by a truck. The main reason was because I was thinking while crossing the road.

Thinking about my baby's father and what had transpired between us, months into my pregnancy. I won't lie and say his thoughts didn't cross my mind more than often. I am human, after all.

It's no secret that he is trying to make up for lost time and all he did but I tell he is not trying enough. Even at that, what do I really want. The thing is, I don't know. I guess I never prepared myself to forgive him. I knew that at some point I would have to let him into Jason's life. I just didn't picture that it'll be this early.

So the big question of what I want from him still remains a mystery. Without knowing what I want, can I truly heal? My first chance at love ended up with death. The second chance was horrible. I think I have run out of chances at this point.

Amadi's visit to the shop the other day proved how persistent he's going to be. For a while now, he has been sending me messages every morning and every night before I sleep.

I often find myself checking my phone at those hours of the day. In the afternoons, he randomly drops messages and sends lunch on some days.

He now calls me the beautiful mother of his son. While all his tactics result to me blushing like a little girl, I never fail to give myself a dose of reality check, which is the issue of forgiveness.

He said he's coming today which is strange as his visits are usually scheduled for weekends. Jason is asleep now and I am here in the kitchen, cooking up a storm.

I started with Banga soup, then Bitter leaf soup. Before now, I cooked chicken stew and now, I am cooking Egusi soup. At least, they'll last for a long time. It's not everyday I get lucky to have some free time.

The door bell rings, making me alert. That must be Amadi. On my way to open the door, I quickly take a look at myself in the mirror to be certain that I look presentable to a certain extent.

"Hi." I smile at him, leaving the door wide open for him to come in after me. I need to get back to my cooking.

He follows me to the kitchen and says nothing. I could feel his gaze following my every move. In fact, it made me nervous. Raising my eyebrows, I ask him what's up and he shake his head 'nothing', arms folded across his chest, still staring at me intently.


So I just ignore his presence and get my acts together.

"Something smells really good in here. What are we cooking?" He asks. No be only we.

"Egusi." I don't want to talk but at the same time, I don't want to leave him hanging since he asked a question.

"What can I help you with?" He asks when I'm washing the pumpkin leave I intend to add to the already steaming pot of soup.

"Nothing, actually. Thanks for offering but I'm almost done." I say to him.

"Oh, really? More reason why I should help you." This man does not understand English ni?

"Thank you, Amadi." I ignore his gaze on me while I finish up and proceed to add the leaves to the soup.

The strong scent of the soup hits my nostrils when I open the pot after fifteen minutes. Instinctively, I inhale softly as a soothing sound escapes my throat. Seeing that the soup is ready, I turn off the heat.

"Shalewa.." I hear him breath out my name, followed by an almost inaudible hiss. I don't answer immediately. I know that sound. I am not stupid not to recognize it.

Instead, I turn to face him, wrapping my hands above each other as I stare at him.

"What is it?" He doesn't answer but instead, I notice his unrelenting stare baring into me, observing my body keenly.

"Fuck it!" He says and claims my lips in a kiss, silencing whatever protest I had in mind. I really did miss this, I won't deny that.

His hand comes in contact with my butt and so effortlessly did he lift me up. His lips trails down my jawline as he kisses me ferociously, guiding me to sit on the marble slab.

He moaned as my leg brushes his hard erection. Suddenly feeling bold, I take him in my hands and massage it, kneading and gently squeezing.

"Hmmmm..." He lets out a throaty and sexy groan.

"You like it?" I whisper in his ears and he nods in a haste. Good boy. I really can't explain what has possessed me at this very minute.

"I want you, Shalewa." He says.

"I'm not stopping you." He smirks and runs his hand through my thigh, resulting to a moan from me. Slowly and frustratingly, his hand moves up my thighs and beneath my dress, all the way to my core, playing with it. I badly want the barrier to be off but I say nothing and just endure the torture. This man keeps on with that for a few minutes, holding my gaze and making me more wet.

When I least expect, he swiftly slips his hand into my core, finally breaking the resolve I have. My skin shudders as I let out a moan, melting into him as his fingers slip in and out of me. To my surprise, he takes his finger off and replaces it with his mouth, kissing me lightly.

"I love how creamy you are, Shally." He mumbles as his tongue touches me, sending me on overdrive. My hand exerts pressure on the slab as I try to steady my body on it. Try I did, I failed at it as my clitoris was already wrapped around his tongue, him waging war on that delicate part of my feminine anatomy and enjoying my current state.

I feel myself slowly letting go of control and caving in to desire. For crying out loud, this was just his tongue and fingers but I was already a mess and I could not help myself to even stop it.

As I tingle more and more out of pleasure, I take a sneak peak of his face. His forehead is already sweaty and I watch him pleasure me which is even more exciting and fascinating. A low growl escapes my lips when he stops to look at me then smirks, standing up.

"You think I'm done with you? You must be mistaking." He chuckles heartily when he says the last part.

Shamelessly, I allow him carry me all the way to the sitting room.

"Where is our son?" He asks.

"He's sleeping in his room."

"Good. Now, take off your dress." I find myself doing exactly as he instructed and when the dress goes off, he grabs it from me and ties my hand above my head with it. I watch as his eyes dance through my jiggling breasts and he pauses to take one in his mouth, caressing the other with his hand.

His clothes go off and his underwear follow. Now, we are both stark naked with his member visible and pointing at me. I never forgot how big he was.

"Do you want more, baby girl?" He asks. I nod my head in affirmation.

"I want to hear you say it." He says.

"Yes. I want more." I nod my head continuously.

And he enters my wet core, pleasuring me, non-stop. The room is filled with our voices which shoot pleasurable sounds all through. The faster he went, the more the anxiety in our voices rose. Amadi was good, very good at making me feel every inch of his length in my soul. Very good at making me a whimpering mess.

It was when he came in me that I realized that we didn't wear protection but it was too late as I came shortly after.

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