Chapter 23.

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Immediately she steps out of my office, I pick up my phone to call the parrot, aka Miriam.

"Yo, couz!" She says in excitement.

"Don't 'Yo, couz' me. What did you tell my mom?" She hisses at my unexpected attack. I choose to be direct at this confrontation and not beat around the bush.

"Is that the reason why you called me?" She asks, the enthusiasm in her voice drops.


Sweetie, who is that taking up my baby's time? I hear her chuckle at him before her countenance switches again when she replies me.

"Then you have time to waste. Bye bye. Love ya stubborn and stupid self." She ends the call.

Why did I even allow her stay in my house? So, here's the deal with Miriam.

First of all, she is married. Arranged marriage two years ago. So, the thing is, over the past few months prior to when she came to my house, they began building their relationship with each other but then, her boyfriend before she married him came back into the picture and wanted to work things out. The relationship she had built with her husband suddenly became rocky again. She was confused about what to do and her husband was furious. So she ran away and came to my place in the disguise of coming for a job training.

Lol. She told me this on the day she came back from the club, wasted and in tears. She was a drunken mess. She doesn't know I know this story, though since she said it under the influence of alcohol. She thinks all I know is just the obvious arranged marriage part which the whole family knows too.

You see, Miriam is a rebel. A full fledged rebel. Her parents arranged the marriage in their own sick and twisted attempt at taming her. I guess it worked. From all indications right now, she's totally in love with her husband and the way his eyes shone the day he came to pick her at my place, that's a man in love with his woman. The way he kissed her on her forehead. So delicate. I had never seen Miriam act so childish before.

The door opens again, revealing mom's stern face. The 'don't mess with me' facial expression. Mom is an angel. A sweet angel with a feiry side when there's a need to activate it. To be honest, it is scary somethings. Growing up, I dreaded being on her bad side.

"You know what to do." She states. I sigh. Never did I think I'll be explaining this to her today. I would have ar least prepared for it. Now, my head is a mess. Damn you, Miriam!

"Yes, it is true Shalewa is pregnant with my child." I finally voice out.


"And we are not on talking terms." I say.


"Because she moved out of the estate." I shrug.

"What prompted her to do so?" She asks me.

"Before you even answer that, what did you do, Amadi?" Chill, why is everyone making this look like it's my fault? I am not the one who killed a child.

"We had a very huge misunderstanding." I state, leaning in my chair.

"One that translated into that? You better get things right. This is not Nnenna." I roll my eyes at her last comment.

"I told her to give me full rights over the child when she gives birth." I find it hard to tell mom about the abortion. Shalewa should be thankful I am still preserving her image before mom. Also, from the way mom is asking questions, it seems Miriam just gave her the highlights. At least, she did not totally ratt me out.

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