Chapter 17.

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The reality of me messing up big time is finally dawning on me after I disappeared from Abuja and came to Lagos. Now one month after, I feel everything.

Amadi tried reaching out in the first few days and my answers were mostly one word like yes, no, nahh, sure, hmmm, okay, even kk. I guess he got tired of trying and just let me be.

Now I'm all alone, back to before. It wouldn't have felt like nada if I had not met him. Now I feel the void more.

Sipping more of my coconut juice, I sigh as my feet continues its movement on the sandy soil of the beach. I've been coming here way too often. I guess being in Abuja for almost a year has made me miss this place so much.

I get updates on the hotel from Shirley and conduct weekly meetings via zoom. So that aspect of my life is going on smoothly. At least, a part of it is.

Adjacent to me is Deji babying Uwa whose stomach is already protruding. She is just a month away from child birth. Any moment from now she'll give birth; they are expecting a girl. How cute. Instinctively, my hand goes to my stomach at the thought of my own dead child and I sigh, getting my feet more into the water. I allow the waves wash through me and smile at the calming effect. I love being here. It helps with everything. It's my outlet, like a vessel that absorbs my problems even though in reality they are still there.

The sight of families hanging out, children chuckling and mothers issuing warnings to them, friends, no doubt Uni students, hanging out, models doing shoots, everything is just so amazing to watch. I adjust the hat on head a little as the rays from the sun is already affecting my face.

Strolling back to our shed, I quickly stop to get a refill of my coconut juice and get pineapple juice with it, before finally getting into the shed.

I am thankful that they've all gone to enjoy the water. Mom and Dad are also here. It's a family weekend which is why they're here. The other times, I come here alone. Do my thing, and by that I mean spend quality time just gazing, relaxing and listening to music. Also eat when I'm hungry.

Why is Suya sold at night nau? That's what I really want to eat right now. I saw it on twitter when someone asked this same question and some replies were hilarious. What caught me was when someone said that the darkness is a spice on its own. I almost died of laughter that day when I showed Timi.

Timi. Why do I feel less guilty now that I think more of Amadi that him? In a dream I had recently, he urges me to open my heart. To give myself another shot at happiness. To Zing again! He says he wants me to die happy, with someone by my sad and not like some lonely lady with nine cats by her side. Give it to him to always be hilarious, even in death.

I smile fondly at our memories as I have decided to focus on only the rosy parts of when he was still alive.

It's even funny how we got back together. That day, I had gone to see Deji in his office. I needed his help with persuading dad to give me a break from work. I wanted a vacation to the Maldives and he wasn't willing to give it to me.

That day, as I stepped into the elevator, a hand stopped it from closing and he stepped in. The atmosphere suddenly felt suffocating and I dared not speak. He offended me greatly and I chose to stay away from him without a third party in place and I occassionally teased him since I knew he could do nothing with someone else being there. Well, I guess my luck had ran out that day.

As the elevator opened and I attempted to briskly walk out, he held my hand in his and dragged me towards his office. Got me in and gently locked the door. He surprised me by getting on his knees to beg me.

He begged for my forgiveness and for the first time, I saw a grown ass man cry for me without his ego being in the way. I was touched. I knew I loved him. No other person made my heart beat as much as he did. And after all those years, he came back.

That day, we talked, he apologised and we mended our broken relationship. He finally asked me out on a date and our relationship kicked off from there, without Deji knowing.

The day he caught us, he acted like something was crawling up his ass. Apparently, he had a problem with Uwa but conveniently transferred agression to us. He was angry his bestfriend, a former player was dating his little sister. I could understand his angle but it's not like I dictated who he went out with. Let's just say older brothers will always be older brothers.

I remember when Karen used to have a crush on him. She's lucky she didn't forge ahead. I have never seen him look at any other woman the way he looks at Uwa. Love. Admiration. Respect. They shone in his eyes when he looks at her. It is adorable and I am happy that one of us Shodeinde siblings is having a smooth sailing ride at this thing called life.

"Shalewa, you're even here. Why didn't you join us earlier?" Yeah, they were all playing.

"I am tired, mummy." I respond. I didn't even know when she came in. I was too engrossed in my thoughts.

"Okay o. Just came to call you. Bye bye." Once she's gone, I lean my back in the beach chair and close my eyes. Sleep consumed me after.


"Is it time for her yet, Doctor?" Deji is pacing around the corridor, nervous as hell while the parents are trying to calm him down.

"Almost time, Sir." The Doctor gives a smile.

"You said that over an hour ago." He seethes, kissing his teeth and hisses.

"Deji, it's not the Doctor's fault. Calm down." Mum says.

"I'm calm, mum. I am." You're not o. Uncle, have you seen your face? You too will be scared.

I am just quiet, watching them and silently praying. Praying for safe delivery. Praying for the safety of the child and the mother. Praying nothing drastic happens. Child birth scares me. Hospitals in general are one of my worst nightmares.

"Doctor, it's time." A Nurse rushes over, tapping on him. Deji follows them and soon, their figures are out of sight, disappearing into the curved entrance leading to where she's admitted.

After fifteen minutes, Deji calls me.

"I'm now a father." He sighs, obviously tired but very happy.

"Mummy, Daddy. Uwa has given birth." I inform them and mom jumps up from her seat, where she was initially shaking nervously.

"Praiseeeeeeeee the Lorddddddddd." My mom screams alerting everyone in the hallway. The drama is worth it. I am so happy right now. Her first grand child and my niece.

On getting to the ward, we are surprised to see one baby on Deji's arms and another on Uwa's.

"Ibeji? You had twins?" Mum says, excitedly as she cooes, touching her cheeks in excitement. Uwa's mom is not here because she gave birth before her EDD and there was no available flight from Benin to Lagos. So, she's coming in to Lagos in the next two days.

"Congratulations. Awww."

"I am proud of you, my son." Dad says, wiping the tiny streaks of tears off his eyes. I then felt bad. Is this how happy they would have been?

I washed off the negative emotions immediately. Now is not the time to feel bad.

I choose to be happy henceforth.

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