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I wake up once again to an empty bed, and like recent times, with a banging head. Once more, I drank myself to stupor last night and as usual, Deji had to come save me. Honestly, I am beginning to feel like a bother. I mean, he has a wife to think of and here I am, giving him so much stress.

I feel so useless these days. I have being a burden to everyone. Mum has to constantly worry about me. Dad does not even bother me to come to work anylonger as he's giving me time to be fine. All they care about is how I am faring. Too many adjustments have had to be made for me.

I should be thankful that Uwa is an understanding woman. Most wives would have been pissed at their husbands constantly baby sitting a grown ass woman, even if she happens to be his younger sister.

I want to give them a break. They have done so much for me. Not even a break, a retirement from this unofficial job I have melted on them.

I walk to my kitchen, smiling like a sicko. On the brighter side, this now gives me the chance to re-unite with my love. Life has been meaningless without him.

Initially, pretence came easy for me. However, with time, I lost it. I just could not keep up the act.

I give my environment one last look before reaching for the stainless steel material. I no longer want the emergency calls, the stares, the murmurs, the pity. Definitely not the pity.

Lifting up the knife, I aim for my target and wince in pain as I feel the sharp object cutting through my skin. My hold on the knife loosens and I begin to feel the breath leave me. But just before I give into my consciousness, a voice calls out to me. My eyes flutter open as I register the face of the person, trying to make out what the person is saying.

"Shally! Jesus!" The mouth reads, and just like that, I feel my body hit the floor, finally at peace.

Goodbye, world.

Well, here it is, guys. We have the prologue. How was it?

TWICE A ZING  |A Nigerian Romance|Where stories live. Discover now