Chapter 8.

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It's another Saturday, meaning another therapy appointment.

"Make me chilled Lemonade, Nadira." Exactly what I need after sweating it out at the gym.

"Yes, ma." She responds.

"Is there food?"

"Yes. Yam and fish sauce." She says.

"Alright. I'll have some, but make the lemonade first." The help gets busy with her duties while I head to my room to have my bath.

The first thing I do when I enter my room is check my phone for messages that need my responses and I can say they are quite many.

Hello, beautiful. It's Hakeem from the gym.

I let out a very loud hiss. Hello, beautiful. Really? Such old fashioned intro. Tell me again why I gave out my number to some people at the gym? Omoh, na me mess up (I messed up).

There's alot of messages in Pretty 6 group chat but I'm not ready to start going all through.

Then there's Daddy, Deji, Mummy, Uwa and some of my other friends. Most of them checking to know how I feel. I roll my eyes in my head. I appreciate the love but sometimes, to be honest, it feels suffocafing. I understand them, though. It just doesn't wipe away the feeling of suffocation.

At least, Deji and Uwa keep it on a minimal. But you see Dad and Mom, it's an everyday ritual. Alot of persons would tag me ungrateful but only someone in my shoes can fully understand why I feel how I feel.

Abeg, let me not over think this thing before the depression sets in again. With that thought in mind, I turn off the data and put the phone on Do not Disturb. I don't want any calls or messages coming in, most especially from whatsapp.

I take off my sweaty gym wear and toss it into my cloth basket before stepping into the bathroom to have my bath.

"There are some clothes in my room that you should take for Laundry." I say to her once she's in sight.

"Have you eaten?" I ask her.

"Err.. Yes, ma." She answers sharply. Liar.

"Grab a plate and fetch some for yourself."

"Ma..I." she stutters but I cut in.

"I know you have not eaten, Nadira. Just get a plate and have some. Come on, I don't bite. You of all people should know that." A smile graces her face afer I speak and she shakes her neck a little in a very adorable manner. She then moves to the plate rack to grab a plate before joining me.

I notice her feeling uncomfortable around me but just shrug it off, enjoying the silence as we eat.

Immediately I'm done, I bid farewell and leave, Nadira still eating. Once I get to my car, I see the neighbour man. He smiles to me and I just nod my head before getting into my car. After connecting the bluetooth to my phone, I play Abule by Patoranking to lift my spirit, before zooming off to therapy.


"So, I have finally decided to be part of the classes."  I inform Dr. Luca who beams at what I say.

"Really? That's interesting. What changed your mind, huh?" He asks, nudging me with his shoulder. I have come to be very comfortable with him, he made it easy.

"It's a secret, Doc." I pop another sweet into my mouth, winking at him. Dr. Luca just shakes his head, clearly amused.

"I am glad you've taken this step." He says and I grin, nodding my head.

"So, I lost the paper you gave me concerning the sessions. Just give me directions to the class." I tell him, standing up to pack my bag and my shawl sprawled on the chair.

"Alright. I'll give you a different class this time because that one is already filled up. This one still has room for two more people." He says and I nod. After giving me directives on how to get there, I head up.

Taking a deep breath, I place my hand on the door knob, wanting to open the door and accidentally, it slips off my hand and I loose my stance.

"Shit. Sorry." A voice says, giving me support.

"Thank you." My voice gets caught in my throat as my gaze meets with the person who helps me. Suddenly, my throat becomes dry. I've never had close contact like this with him before.

Amadi clears his throat as he smiles at me, helping me balance myself.

"Hi." He says.

"Hi." I say back in a squeaky voice. What the hell?! I immediately clear my throat.

"Sorry about that. I didn't know you were behind the door." He says, rendering an apology.

"That's alright. Thanks for helping out." I smile genuinely at him since it obviously wasn't his fault.

"You're welcome."

"So, you work here?" I ask him, praying for the answer to be a No.

"Sort of. It's majorly volunteering, though."

"Err...Okay." Shit.

"How about you?" He gives a response to that by asking a question.

"Uhh. I am a patient here, actually." I respond shyly.

"Oh. Really?" I just nod my head in response, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

"Alright. If you'll excuse me, I'll be back. Please, get settled." He leaves me where I stood and I make my way into the room to meet with the other people.

"Hi. I'm Shalewa. I am new here." I greet all ths eight unfamiliar faces who don't even return my greeting with a smile but keep stern facial expressions.

All their eyes are hard and look like they're scrutinizing me. They nod their heads to my greeting and keep staring. Are these the people I'm supposed to be having my sessions with? Lord have mercy. They are so not welcoming. Uncomfortable, I walk to an empty seat close by and sit down.

Immediately, they all burst into laughter. What is funny?

"You guys, it's okay. No more scaring her." A lady says, clutching her chest as she laughs. It was then it dawned on me that they had been pulling a prank all along.

"I'm Natalia, by the way. Welcome, Shalewa. Don't mind us. We do it to every new person here. I initiated it actually." She waves her hand in the air, still trying to hold herself.

"Samuel." The guy by her side says and like that, the introduction begins.





"Saleema. Don't worry we're not twins. We get that alot over here." She points between her and Saleem, laughing.

"Rebecca." The last person makes her introduction.

"It's a pleasure meeting you all." I reply, now feeling at ease with them. I make a mental note to keep their names to memory.

The door opens and a smile grace each of their faces, seeing it is Amadi who walks in.

"Hope you all did not go scaring our newest addition with your signature expressions?" He asks them, taking a seat.

"You know us. If no other person does it, I would." Zara laughs, winking at him. Such a flirt!

What? He's hot. She whispers in my ears. I look at her with wide eyes and she smirks like she didn't just say that.

These people look nothing like I envisaged. They look....happy? Maybe this session will help.

My gaze meets that of Amadi who is looking at me, an expression I could not decipher gracing his face.

Then, he smiles.

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