Chapter 25.

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"Hi. Deji Shodeinde. Family of Shalewa Akande, she was admitted here a few hours ago." I lift my head to have a view of the person whose voice I just heard. Her elder brother.

Immediately our eyes meet, he launches an attack on me. He grabs my shirt by his fist, forcing me off the chair which I'm sitting on.

"You better pray that my sister is fine. If not, you're dead, you bastard!" He ends his threat with a punch on my stomach. I crunch down in pain and immediately stand up, not wanting him to see my moment of weakness. Yeah, I know I messed up. And I messed up real bad.

His anger is totally justified and I won't blame them if they want me to have nothing to do with the mother or my child. But hell will freeze before that happens.

Her mom is just giving me a glare, not saying anything. I should be glad it's her brother I even met here. What would have been more dreadful would have been her father being here too. It doesn't exclude the fact that I would definitely meet up with him soon, though. Judging from her past, it is understandable why her family treats her like some fragile object. Say, an egg.

My sincere prayer right now is for safe delivery. There's still alot that has to be done and has to be said between us.

How do I even break it to Kaima that today she unknowingly became an older sister? She's still too young to understand these things. Too many complicated things.

"Congratulations. She just gave birth to a healthy baby boy." The Doctor's words interrupts my thoughts.

What? A boy? Damn....Not like I mind the gender, though. I know the child will be beautiful.

The glare Deji is giving me right now is enough to scare anyone but only cowards get intimidated by stuff like this.

"Can I see her?" I ask the Doctor, smiling a little. Truth be told, I'm nervous. I don't know what to say when I see her.

"No!" Deji and her mom simultaneously chorus.

"Don't pay heed to him, Doctor. He is no one relevant." Dude be spoiling for a fight. One he won't get from me. I internally smirk and walk to lean on a wall.

"I'll go after they do, Doctor." I state.

"You're Mr. Obi-Obasi, right?" He asks.


"Well, she specifically stated that she doesn't want to see you." The Doctor informs. Deji scoffs and her mom raises her right side of her lip in a smirk as if mocking me with 'my girl can never dissapoint'.

With the remaining pride left in me, I sit my ass back on the chair as I watch them disappear into the inner parts of the hospital, lead by the Doctor.

My phone dings and it's none other than my crazy friend, Emeka.

Bro, How far?

She has put to bed.

Congratulation on bring a father again 💪.

How is the baby? The mother?

I have not seen them yet. She didn't allow me, but they are both well.

I should be surprised but I'm not.  You messed up big time, bro. You have alot of making up to do.

TWICE A ZING  |A Nigerian Romance|Where stories live. Discover now