Chapter 14.

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"Your Kimono." I say to her, handing over the wet piece of clothing to her. A clear reminder of our make-out session some few moments ago.

She visibly gulps and I watch as she batts her lashes before collecting it from my hand. Her gaze shifts downward, shyly. I use that opportunity to draw her closer to me. She has no idea how cute she looks, clad in just pj shorts and the matching top.

"What are you doing?" She asks, almost in a whisper as her eyes meet mine again.

"What I should have done since the first day I saw you." I dip my head down and give her a kiss on the lips, once again catching her off guard. I ensure to linger for a while till she responds, kissing me back. I don't know what has come over me recently but I find myself thinking about her more than I should. Her lips are like a drug, like an addiction, asking to be kissed. To be ravished, to be explored.

I pull back and my thumb goes to her swollen lips, caressing it. I smirk as I'm the reason behind its current  state. She gasps and tries to free herself from my grip but I hold her in place.

"Go out with me, Shalewa." I lean close to her, staring her in the face. This is so intense. I could feel the tensed atmosphere.

"Amadi." She looks all flustered and bothered. It is hot plus I love how my name rolls from her mouth. She is so beautiful.

"Yes?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"I...." She stutters, breathing heavily.

"Cat got your tongue? You what?" I ask her as the corner of my lips tip up in a smirk.

"Just one date, Shalewa. One. Let's see how it goes after." I say. I can't believe I am doing this. Me that swore to stay off women after the whole Nnenna fiasco. Not even how many days after finalizing on the divorce, I'm already asking another woman out. This is insane!

"Hmmmm..." Why's she not giving a response? My hand rests on the top of her hips and I give it a light squeeze.

"Shalewa. I'm not a patient man." My voice comes out raspy, staring at the temptation in my arms. My tongue swirls across her skin on her neck region.

"Kaima is just across us in the sitting room." She whispers, breathless.

As if on cue, "Daddy, your password! The phone locked." Kaima's voice rings through the house.

"Coming, angel." I respond, chuckling lightly.

"I don't want her seeing us like this." She says as the corner of her eyes look in the direction from which the voice came.

"Then answer me, Shalewa." I insist. I don't plan on loosening my hold on her till she gives me a reply.

"I won't let you go till you give an answer. Even if Kaima walks in on us." Her eyes widen in surprise before she smacks my hand.

She sighs "Yes. I'll go out with you." She finally says.

"Good girl." I smirk and peck her on the lips before releasing my hold on her. Immediately, she sucks in a deep breath. I just chuckle, wink at her and leave to be with my darling daughter with the perfect timing. Sarcasm included.


I grumble and stomp my feet in defeat. Why are his attempts at invading my thoughts fruitful?

My breath is still ragged as I go back to preparing the jollof rice. Few more minutes and it is ready.

I take a peek at the sitting room. "Hey, I have jollof rice ready." I say to Amadi.

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