My heart makes the decision for me. "Okay," I say softly.

He raises a brow in question, "okay," he questions. Probably wondering where my sanity went. I too would like to know where it disappeared to as well. He presses a cool hand to my forehead.

"What are you doing," I question him.

"Checking to see if you are running a fever," he says as though it was no big deal. "I was concerned you might be getting sick because you were not acting Aubree like."

I roll my eyes and check to see our ride should be here soon. So I open the door of the car and gather my bag. I pull out the baseball cap I keep stashed and slap it on to his head. He also slips on his sun glasses. Not the best disguise, but hopefully our driver won't pay us any mind. Last thing I want is for the guys to be recognized. We even checked into the hotel under false names.

Being out here was about Dimitri and Skylar being able to celebrate the next steps in their lives. I know she has been packing like crazy to get it all done so she can  officially move in with Dimitri. Some how he has managed to stay out of the spotlight since being here. I'm sure that has something to so with the fact Skylar's parents are close to anyone who lives close to their house.

"No I'm not getting sick," I tell him. "I just don't have the energy to yell at you." I half lie. The conversation with Mr. Gear did take a lot out of me, but no where near enough for me not to yell at Ryder. He gives me a look that told me he knows I'm lying.

The car pulls into the parking lot putting an end to out conversation. I have never been more thankful to have an Uber show up because Ryder would have continued to press me till I caved. I felt bad for lying to him, but I wasn't willing to tell him the real reason because he would have used it against me at a later date and time. The less ammunition he has the better for me.

We make out way to the car and slip into the car. The driver says hi, but nothing more. They seemed more interested in getting us to our destination and on to his next customer. Which more then worked for me. I really didn't feel like holding a conversation with a complete stranger who I would never see again. Not to mention he would be less than likely to recognize Ryder. Usually we don't use services like this for the exact reason I was fearing. Whenever we would need car service I would hire companies know to be discrete about their clientele.

Unfortunately today I did not have that luxury because I never thought we would need it since we had rental cars. Should have planed for a plan B. I will remember that in the future to always have a back up plan regardless if I believe I will need it or not. That way we won't find ourselves in this risky position.

The car zips down the road heading to our hotel. I wish I knew how far away we were, but I dare not ask and bring any more attention upon us. I do glare at Ryder because we would not be in this predicament if he could control his temper. He pays me no mind and continues to glance out the window, but I know he knows I'm staring at him by his tense muscles.

Finally the car pull in front of our hotel. I didn't think we would ever get there even though I'm sure the ride was a lot shorter then what I felt. I think the driver and he responds with a gruff welcome. As soon as Ryder joined me on the sidewalk the driver takes off on to his next passenger.

I turn to head inside, but Ryder slips a hand in mine and stops me from moving forward. He pulls me so I'm facing him.

"Are you really not mad at me or is this the calm before the storm," he asks scratching the back of his neck. Has this been worrying him the entire car ride?

I search his eyes, but come up empty. "I'm not mad at you," I tell him surprising not only him, but myself. "Just disappointed."

"I think you being disappointed in me is way worse then you be mad at me."

I think for a moment before responding. "What's the saying Dimitri is always saying." I trail off for a bit trying to remember and then I do. "Oh yeah. I'm young I'll get over it. At the end of day it is only a car that can be replaced with money. Which the label already has resources placed aside for stuff like this."

"But now I'm sure this is just one more thing Mr. Gear will bitch to you about."

He probably correct, but I'll let Mr. Gear's words go in one ear and out the other just like I normally do when he is trying to reprimands me. I know I'm doing a fantastic job with Steel Wolf. Their ratings speak for my work. I don't care what Mr. Gear has to say because at the end of the day I may technically work for him, but my loyalties lay with Steel Wolf. As long as they were happy and moving forward in their career I could deal with whatever shit Mr. Gear tries to send my way.

Mr. Gear would be stupid to let me go because we both know Steel Wolf would walk. He would then have his boss down his throat for that. So I felt very secure in my employment.

"Let him bitch. I can always put the phone on speaker and let him go on while I work on something that is actually important. Plus he really has not room to bitch because for the most part you guys don't act out all that often anymore. So those services sit collecting dust when it pertains to Steel Wolf.

Ryder kisses the tip of my nose and once again I find myself not shying away from his advances. My body is comfortable with showing affection in public I only need my head to catch up as well.

"If he gives you a hard time over this let me know and I will speak with him."

"I don't need you to fight my battles for me," I tell him laughing. "The gesture is sweet, but I can handle Mr. Gear on my own."

He cups my cheek in the palm of his hand. "I just want to protect you. Let me be the alpha male for once."

"No way. I've been fighting my own battles for awhile now and will continue to do so." There was a sadness in his eyes that pulled at my heart strings causing me to soften the blow to his ego. "Alright. If I ever get in above my head you will be the first one I call for help. Deal," I ask him holding out my hand between us.

"Deal," he says grasping my hand tightly in his own and we shake on the promise. "Now for the important question." He eyes become heated and I try to take a step back, but his arms prevent my escape. "Your room or mine?"

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora