He shoves my face away. "Of course not." I gasp dramatically from beside him, placing a hand on my chest.

"I think your speech yesterday lit a fire under him," Mina says to Eren, a soft smile taking place on her face in between her two low ponytails.

"Oh," I mutter out disappointedly.

"Ain't nobody talking to you! His temper tantrum had nothing to do with it!" Connie denied, his pink blush still dusting his cheeks.

"Take it easy," Thomas said, walking up to the group. "It's not like you're not the only one." The blonde hair boy blushed, his finger going to scratch at his face bashfully.

I gape at Thomas, my mouth dropping open. "You too?!" I say loudly, pointing my finger at the blushing boy.

"What? Are you serious?" Eren breathed out, not really believing his eyes.

"Can you guys keep a secret?" Sasha says from all of a sudden, opening up the side of her jacket to reveal something. "'Cus I totally just helped myself out to the officers' pantry!"

"You did not!" I laugh out, standing up to walk closer to the drooling girl who held a thick, round slab of meat in her hands. Wait, that didn't come out right.

"Sasha! They could throw your butt in the clink for that!" Eren exclaimed as the group huddled together as they watched Sasha in astonishment.

I poke the girl in the stomach, making her almost drop her prized possession. "Why didn't you let me tag along?!" I said to the girl, forming my tone into mock betrayal. 

"I know, I know! I'm sorry! But it just looked so good I had to get my hands on-"

"What is wrong with you two, seriously?" Samuel said from behind us.

"What isn't wrong with them?" Connie said with a deadpan face.

"It'll be fine, I'm willing to share! Can you imagine the sandwiches...?!" Sasha says and begins to shudder at the thought.

"Great now let me have some!" I say over the others' calls.

"Put it back!" Connie says, his voice rising.

"Yeah! Do you know how rare meat's been since the titans took Wall Maria?" Mina states.

"Um, a little bit, yeah." I snort at Sasha's answer to Mina's question.

We all watch as Sasha walks up to a crate and lifts the lid, storing the meat safely inside. "Just look at it this way," she says. "Pretty soon, we'll take back all the room we need for livestock."

Samuel takes a deep breath and cringes his eyes shut. "I would really like a slice please!"

"Hey, if he gets one then so do I, j-just so you know!" Connie says.

"Me too, I'm in on it too!" Mina says from next to Eren.

"C'mon, don't just stand there!" Samuel says and we all walk away from a still delirious Sasha. "If they see us slacking off, we're in for it."

I nod and crouch down next to Connie again, rubbing again at the cannon's rusting metal.

"So," Connie says. I look at him with expecting eyes. "Before we leave for the Scouts, I think you should talk with Jean," he says sternly. He looks adamant on this so I have no other choice but to nod.

"Fine," I huff out. "But I really- What the fuck!"

All of a sudden a great big bolt of yellowy-green lighting hit the earth, making the Colossal Titan appear in its place. It's small, sunken in eyes met mine as I crawled away from it, pushing Connie behind me who was shaking like a leaf.

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