Chapter Twenty-Two - Prevaricate

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Riley looks down. "I am sorry," and shakes her head. "I don't think I will be able to lie to Jason."

Wylie sighs heavily. He steps up towards Riley, places his hands on her shoulder to look into her eyes. "Look. I know you are against lying, especially towards him. But this is serious. People may die. They need us now!" she turns her head away as he speaks. "Yes, for sure, it could be a trap but are we really risking that many lives for something that may not be true?" he asks her.

"I know you are right, but—to me," she holds her hand up to her heart. "It doesn't sound right."

"I guess there is no other choice," says Hermann.

"We will do what we must. Riley is sure not to say anything," adds Wylie with a slight smirk.

She nods to confirm him.

Late at night, as they switch the shifts, Jason is inside the center about to head off to his room.

"Okay. Good night guys. Good luck on your shift, see you tomorrow," he says to Hermann and Wylie with a smile as he leaves.

"Good night, captain," they say.

They wait nervously until he is out. Wylie whispers to Hermann. "I think we are clear. Let's do this!"

Doug just came outside, waiting with his sweaty palms, rubbing his hands. If someone comes near, he will alarm the two. Hermann starts writing a message directed towards Jason, as he would only believe Kim's words in letters he would understand.

Hello Jason. I've been trying to contact you for a week now. We've been invaded by the unknown. You need to help us immediately, or else we won't survive.

Sincerely Kim.

"I think that's good, Hermann. He won't be checking until tomorrow, but that's fine."

Doug rushes in and speaks in a lower voice. "Guys, he's coming back!"

Hermann heads to his desk in the back while Wylie stands right in front of his monitor so that no one can see what's on it.

"Hey," he says with his eyes moving left and right.

"Why is Doug still here? Shouldn't he go to sleep?" he asks with sharp eyes.

"Why are you still here?" he asks as confrontation. Jason looks at Doug with moody eyes to make him leave the room, he didn't expect the backfire message anyway, and Doug can't believe he stood up against him in a way. With a throbbing heart, he walks back inside his room.

"Yeah, but he wanted to explain something, so he stayed a bit longer," Wylie tries to explain with his hands.

Jason seems to smell his lie by watching the sweat dropping down from his head. "Oh, really? Move a bit away from the screen, will ya?"

"Me?" he asks.

"Yeah, who else should I mean?" he looks at Hermann, who looks away.

They look at each other as if they know exactly what the other is thinking right now. He looks down towards the cable on the ground; Wylie needs to plug it.

He looks down once again, swallows his nervousness down the throat. With his left foot, he steps inside the wire. By force, he cuts off the electricity of his computer.

"Oh," he says, relieved. "Guess I accidentally shut down the computer," and smiles as he holds the disconnected wire up.

Jason doesn't seem to be happy about the incident at all. He smells the fraud. He walks up close to Wylie, looking into his fearful eyes. "If you don't tell me what you were doing behind my

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