Chapter One - Stargazer

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The world they knew doesn't exist anymore; one tainted bland space full of nothing but regrets.

He has hopes and dreams, just like any other. Some people fight to see the new dawn shine upon each day. But, some questions remain in each one of them.

Some fight for themselves. Stargazer stands for justice, equality, and freedom of humankind with no boundaries. They fight for everyone and not just for themselves, together in an inconspicuous world. A world where people no longer live as marionettes from society, a world where everyone has a voice, where everyone has a place they can call home, a world that may exist in dreams and yet, worth a try to fight for it.

Even the most ridiculous dreams are worth a try, as he says.

The speaker above his door rings loudly in a calm manner. It's that kind of a sound that tells the pilots to go to a mission briefing and meet the captain, Jason Mares. There are individual rings for every type of danger. Only people from the inside of the building can hear and understand it's easier to communicate this way through the building.

Slowly, he can move his heavy feet to the ground, he doesn't feel like going today, but there is no choice. He has to—he is a pilot, after all. His eyes meet the family photo at his bedside table. That's what he always sees when getting up.

The woman appears to be mid forty with long brown hair. She wears a white summer skirt on a sunny day. She kneels with a little boy in the middle—holding his shoulders. The boy's left fingers form the sign of peace, and he smiles for the camera, smiling on a bright good day he had.

The man on the right side of the Photo—kneeling to the ground on the other side of the kid, holding his arm wide to reach out to the woman. His hair is short and brown. He wears beige cord trousers with a white t-shirt inside his torso.

Every day, he wakes up to the smiling faces of his dead parents. The only person left of his family is him. But he doesn't hold a grudge. His life wasn't as bad as expected. He had great stepparents taking care of him.

"Why are you taking so long?"

His head turns to the voice behind the door. He knows who it is. It's the only female pilot of the group. Though, as always, she seems annoyed, at least her voice is.

Every time she's in front of his door means that he's taking way too long, again. But once he starts to stare at the picture, he just tends to forget everything, even what he was doing before entering the room. He dives into a world where they would still be alive and playing with him as they did when he was a child.

"I'm coming," he exhales.

Slowly his hand grasps around the doorknob. He sighs loudly, still not feeling like going. His eyes meet hers staring at the watch. The woman takes a close look at him soon after and moans loudly to make him feel uneasy.

Mayumi Ito, the twenty-two-year-old woman from Tsumago in Japan, waits for him. She seems like a very kind woman and knows what she wants. She's the smallest of the group—five foot one.

She came to the U.S.A. to study psychology. There, she has found her better half, Darryl Jacobs, the other and the last Stargazer pilot.

He's twenty-three at age and the tallest person of the three, about six feet tall. He has a very muscular body, brown skin, and short black hair.

Mayumi grew up in a small village, which craves old traditions as their way of living. Thus, she never had a good relationship with her father or her family in general. Her mother was the only one she could rely on because she suggested that Mayumi go abroad, do something with her life, and move away from the town and the family that doesn't let her do something.

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