Chapter Six - Anon

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Wylie and Riley are, like, always extremely tired at their working place. Since the pilots are out on a mission and the twins don't have many people to talk to—boredom usually wins.

The window is open, and a slight breeze runs in, freshening their air. They feel like sleeping. Both tend to look at some old magazines while trying to work. It keeps them going or not.

"Hey, Wylie," says Riley in an almost non-understandable voice, through the paper. "I am so bored."

"Ask Me," he answers with the same vocal sound.

Both sigh at the same time, slowly dragging their magazines from their faces.

"This day feels like an eternity," her voice sounds in pain.

"I know. If you look outside, all of our technician support workers are having a great time, and we? Need to work. I am so fed up with this, so, so fed up!" he answers with a faint voice.

"I wish we could have a day off or two," she adds.

"But that won't happen because you know—"

Both talk in accord, lifting their index finger in the air. "During a crisis, you don't get any days off!"

"But that is so stupid!" she says.

"He technically doesn't need us. I mean, he has plenty of people who can do almost the same as we do, like there is no need for us to be here."

"You are damn right. We should ask Jason! If we don't get one day off, we are going to refuse work!"

"I wouldn't go that far—" he answers, looking away.

"What are you guys doing here?"

The loud scolding voice from behind scares both. The magazines fly across the room and land directly to his feet.

"I am sorry!" she responds in a shaky voice. "We were just doing some researches!"

Jason looks down and picks up the magazine.

"Is this the research you need? Are you kidding me, Riley?" his voice gets even angrier as he looks at the title of the magazine. It's about a teenager's problems and relationships. "By dawn, both of you are giving me the test results from the last fight. Do you understand? And now get back to work!"

He walks out of the room, leaving a harsh feel behind as he throws away the paper into the bin.

"Oh boy, he angry," Wylie says while opening his eyes widely.

They sigh yet again at the same time.

The test results need to be done on the same day, as the pilots were fighting.

This ensures their safety and sees if they needed the stimulating neurons, resetting, and seeing how many were released. Most of the time, they don't. As they are were well training for circumstances like this. Sometimes they do need a little shade of it, but Logan mostly doesn't. He is the calmest when it comes to fighting—his heart rate never goes up to the top.

Probably because he believes in his capabilities, he knows he can do it. The Horizon is just as good as the pilots are. At least that's what he keeps saying.

Mayumi and Darryl believe and trust in each other, as they mostly work together. For them, the most important thing is to save the other.

"Wow, I cannot believe my eyes." Benjamin's grandma gasps.

Her eyes do not deceive her—she looks right at Odaisys. People walk across the street; it seems like an endless path. Many houses were constructed right next to each other with little to no space. The factory sound is still there, even more so than in the tunnel.

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