Chapter Thirty - True Horizon

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Galina continues to concentrate on her enemy.

"Galina to your left!"

"What?" she questions faintly, looking behind her six, too late.

An enemy made it's way up, shooting at her back.

The explosion pushes her forward; luckily, the safety belt keeps her from smashing the head onto the control panel.

Mayumi settles her railgun sniper, ready to blow away. With her steady mind, she looks through to target the enemy, then she pushes the button, the weapon opens up it's crack, and the beam fires out, destroying the entire machine, pulverizing it into pieces. A long glowing heated pole falls out of her weapon, leaving a trail of steam behind them.

The noise of a heavy explosion stays with them for three seconds every time she attacks.

"I need to recharge," she states.

"Thank you, Mayumi!" says Galina with genuine.

Michael accelerates his Horizon.

With his plasmatic claws, he drives through two enemies at once, separating their bodies. Wang and Santino still wait, watching the rest fighting.

As long as they don't attack, Stargazer won't either.

Darryl shoots his bayonet bombs to attach them to four enemies. Galina's drones rush to the bombs, sending them out with a blast. Half of the rock from behind the enemies blown into pieces to cover their sight.

Dust rises up to the night sky, soon to be cleared by the soothing wind that increases as the ground shakes continuously.

"Don't you think we should start attacking, Santino?" he asks through their head speaker.

"Yeah, it's about time we can."

Wang boots his machine.

The chartreuse color shines like neon in the night.

His weapon, ready to attack.

He rushes forward towards Michael's machine and sticks his hammer in between the claws.

No one gives up. No one resists.

Both push themselves back.

"Who are you?" asks Michael through the speaker.

"Doesn't matter. You took my family from me. Now, I am taking it from you!" he shouts back.

The voice, he doesn't recognize it.

It's no one he knows, definitely not.

What does he mean by his words?

Michael doesn't know, but he also shakes off the thought as he shouldn't care.

Wang starts to attack again after he pushes himself back. Both plasma weapons clutch onto each other with a heavy, sparky noise.

A drone sneaks up from behind, attacking the Nadir, leaving him immobilized for a second.

Now is the chance.

Michael pushes him down to the ground with his fearful claws. About to smack his right into the body of the enemy.

From behind, a hook pulls his weapon up in the air by the force of Santino's Nadir.

"I am not letting you die, my friend!" he says to Wang.

"Thank you!" he replies with grace.

With his hammer, he frequently attacks Michael's Horizon, who can't defend himself. Every single hit makes his machine quake inside.

Stargazer - Segregationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें