Chapter Five - Odaisys

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Logan wanted to know what lies ahead of the horizon if there is any kind of life out there. At some point, he started to write down all the bright stars he saw at night into a book. Young Logan connected the lines and made up his constellations. He even continued to do this with his stepsister Lillie.

She was always fascinated at how he managed to write down so many. However, her favorite was the deer who looks up to the sky. She always said it's the animal for freedom, independence, and family.

The book is now in his stepfather's hands, who he gave it to after her death. Giving him the last signs of his daughter was the only thing he could do for him.

The last pages she ever wrote.

The only legacy she has.

His stepfather often looks at the book to remember his daughter. He always wonders what she would say or do in this situation—this keeps him up on so many nights, like today.

Lillie would be fifteen now. She would tell him what to do whenever he struggles, acting by nature, not by knowledge.

She always did that.

Knowledge of people is something you acquire through experience and not age. This kind, can't be studied, is what Logan always says.

Mayumi wakes up way too early.

Half asleep, she walks across the hallway only to hear the loud snoring noise coming out of Darryl's room.

She swings her head.

It's always the same.

He's so loud it feels like he vibrates the wall with his voice. For some reason, Mayumi feels like going up the stairs to see if Wylie and Riley are awake. Usually, they would as their working shift starts at five AM this week.

She can hear some whisper sounds coming out of the bridge. Curious as she is, she tries her best to listen as close as she can.

"Darryl—." is the only thing Mayumi can understand through the faint chatter.

"Hey, you two guys! I hope you don't mind me visiting you here," she says as she walks in with a happy face.

Wylie and Riley fall off their chairs in surprise and do their best to cover up their monitors. Wylie takes off his sweatshirt and tries to put it on the holographic screens.

"This ain't working," she whispers nervously, scolding him. Furiously she turns off the computers without saving their work.

"You deleted everything!" he yells back at her.

"I am so sorry," she gasps. "It was the only choice we had."

"What is going on here, guys?" Mayumi's eyes open.

"Well," replies Riley with a slight tension in her voice. "We were just working," she looks away.

Wylie adds. "Yes, we were just working as she said," he looks to the other side.

They start to sweat.

"So, why did you suddenly shut down your computers then? And why are you so nervous?" Mayumi crosses her arms.

Both swallow in fear now.

They don't know how to keep a secret from her. Wylie looks at Riley—mind control just as always, they think alike.

"Okay, I guess we can't hide it from you anyway—" answers Riley.

Wylie re-boots his computer.

The holographic screen shows their latest program.

They opened an e-mail from Jinny Fiala of Iseidox.

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