Chapter Eleven - Forgotten World

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It's very snugly inside the machine.

Logan and Mayumi know where to hold themselves. There are two metal strings placed on the exterior behind the seat—enough space in between to hold on with their hands.

"Alright," says Darryl. "Let's go."

He turns on the engine of the Horizon.

The fluctuation system starts to run through; this is the first time they have ever seen this.

"Wow, is that what I think it is?" asks Galina while staring right at his suit with the orange outlines representing his pulse.

"This is the fluctuation system. Without it, the machine wouldn't run. And if you take a closer look, you can pretty much see Darryl's heartbeat on the outline. The color isn't permanent," explains Logan as the outlines fade into black only to reappear seconds later.

"That is so freaking awesome! Does everyone have a different color?" Henry's mouth open wide he can't close his eyes.

"Yes. Everyone has a different color. But, it depends on the Horizon. If I were to pilot his machine, I would be orange. If he piloted mine, he would be white," adds Mayumi.

"Okay, guys. Hold on to something. We are about to go through the tunnel," says Darryl.

"What is the tunnel?" asks Henry and looks to Michael, who shrugs at him.

Riley and Wylie hold on to Michael, who holds on to the left side, while Henry holds on to Galina, who holds onto the seat's right side. From down under, the engineer pushes the button to rotate the machine right into the tunnel.

It's a small black pathway with yellow-colored arrows, stimulatingly switching colors in green, white, orange, and blue on the go and show their way outside to the exterior seen as a white light up front.

Michael turns his head down. "Is that a railroad?"

"It's for the acceleration, yes," says Logan.

Henry looks around. He's unsure if his eyes deceive him. "How is this possible? I mean that we can see everything?" the arrows reflect their color inside the cockpit, leaving their trail upon their faces. All of the construction insides look like new. The metal and pipes that are well-positioned at the walls seem so calm yet so apprehensive.

Darryl slightly pushes the handle forward. The acceleration of the rails drags everyone back. They scream except for Mayumi and Logan. They close their eyes; the pressure isn't the same if you don't wear the suit. Henry makes a fall and gets pushed onto the backside of the cockpit. As Logan watches his fall, he tries to steady him by giving his arm to hold on to.

"Look, guys," Darryl smiles along the way. "We are flying."

Everyone opens up their eyes at the same time. They look around and see the whole deserted place in its glory.

Turning their head up, they can see the blue sky with no clouds passing by. The beautiful scenery they didn't expect to see it the way they do.

"Thank you," says Henry as he stands up back up. Logan returns with a nod. "How is this possible?" Henry walks to the side, forgetting there is a wall between them and stumbles against it. "How can we see all of this?" he says, rubbing his face.

"This is the VEP cockpit to ensure the three-sixty vision all around you. We thought that the pilots might have an advantage if their sight isn't limited," explains Riley while leaning towards Michael more.

"Wait, you guys invented this?" his head turns to her by force.

"Actually," says Wylie. "It was kind of Riley's idea because she loved the idea of looking around and feeling like you are right in combat. It makes you feel different, like you're right inside of it even though you're not," his hands move with the explanation.

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