Chapter Four - Telescope

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Riley looks at them. "Mayumi and Darryl, are you going to marry soon?"

Shockingly they let their spoon fall to the ground, their face covered in nervousness, and they swallow deeply at the same time.

"Why are you asking this?" asks Mayumi with a trembling voice.

"Because I want to be at a wedding," she says, raising her hands to the air.

"Stop it, Riley. You don't ask questions like that!" responds Wylie.

"But just imagine," declares Riley.

She starts to dream. "Mayumi would wear a pure white princess dress with frills and a long veil. Her bouquet would contain lots of peonies. And I can see how Darryl, who dresses in a strong black suit with a rose sticking out of his left chest pocket, he's opening the door and cries over the beautifulness from his soon-to-be wife. And then—" She pauses for a bit to fold her hands together, spreading them out immediately after. "There is a lot of food and a lot of dancing!" she continues celebrating.

Riley stares at the white, stain wall with open dreamy eyes. She smiles like no one else does, drifting away deeply into her daydream. Sometimes this happens randomly; no one cares because they accepted her weird way. It's something that puts a smile on their faces every day. Even with all those things happening, she is the only one who can dream, no matter what.

Wylie snaps his finger in front of her, but she doesn't react or flinch even once.

"Okay," he says. "I think we lost Riley now."

"Sometimes she's weird," adds Darryl.

Everyone starts to laugh in a happy right way. When they laugh, they tend to forget the bad things that happened. For a brief moment, they are delighted. Glad to be surrounded by the ones they love and care for.

Riley comes back to reality.

"I heard that!" she responds furiously.

Everyone starts to laugh louder as she sighs in frustration.

Sometimes the smallest thing cheers you up for the rest of the day, at least that's what Mayumi often says. It's just Riley's behavior; even though he doesn't want to admit it, Wylie is somewhat the same. He would never replace the only weird sister in his life.

However, getting along with them in the right way is something you can choose to do.

Benjamin walks around the building.

He doesn't know where to go and walks up the stairs right to the second floor, getting lost on his way. His eyes meet the occupied room at the end; light shines to the outside. His curiosity makes him walk up to it.

Slowly he opens the door only to see the captain being all alone by himself.

"Hello," he says nervously through the door crack.

"Did you get lost?" Jason replies calmly.

"Yes, I am looking for the changing room."

"Oh, that's on the left to the dining hall. Who told you to get there?" he asks, slightly confused.

"Logan told me. He wanted to show me his machine!" responds Benjamin with a smile.

"I see. Well then, now you know where it is," Jason looks away.

He looks around his office, and it's messy. Dust seems to be stacking up by itself. No one emptied the paper bin in months, it seems. There are photos directed to his side on his desk, and Benjamin wonders what kind of pictures they are.

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