"Besides...I have my own..."

He paused when he remembered his grandfather's last words.

"...troublesome curse already!"

He dodged the green hand coming his way before it could squash him but sadly, he wasn't able to dodge the punch coming from the other way. He spat out blood when he received the big hit from the spirit, he got flown up to the air and he lets go of the cursed object in the process.

You saw the cursed spirit's eyes fixate themselves on the cursed finger. Itadori tried reaching out to the finger but he was caught in the curse's hand while its other hand reached out to the finger.

But Itadori beat it to it by stepping on its face and forcefully jumped toward the finger and he successfully caught it by holding it between his upper and lower teeth.

Fushiguro gasped, afraid that he will be eaten along with the cursed object. If Fushiguro is scared for Itadori's life, you are excited with eyes sparkling in anticipation of the outcome of this situation.

'What happens if he actually swallows it? Will he die? Will he inherit Sukuna's powers? Or he will be Sukuna himself!?'

You can't stop the grin from forming itself on your lips as the odd excitement bubbled inside of you.

'I want to know and see it myself of what happens to this boy that once had a normal life after he eats that thing'

"You idiot! Hand it over to me or you'll be eaten, too!"

Fushiguro called out to Itadori with his hand extended out to him, expecting Itadori to throw it in his way.

"Wait a minute Fushiguro"

You stopped him, he turned his head to glare at you but he thought twice when he saw your odd expression. Your purple orbs were glowing dangerously and you had a grin displayed on your face. A face that looks like you were about to do something very risky.

"What do you mean 'Wait'?! He's going to get eaten!"

"Just wait and see..."

He grunted in annoyance before he turned away from you and forcefully stood up on his feet and walked away from you.

'I don't want some crazy girl telling me what to do!'

Itadori was about to have himself in the curse's mouth when he placed each of his feet on the upper and lower teeth of the spirit. He began thinking about how he should save himself and the cursed object from getting devoured by this monster.

'Why would anything eat it? Does it taste good?'

'Why don't you try it yourself, Itadori?'

'Don't give him ideas. Don't be stupid. You'd do it to gain stronger cursed energy'

His thoughts were sooner interrupted by you calling out to him.

"Eat it Itadori!"

Fushiguro and Itadori became incredibly shocked at your words, Fushiguro snapped his head towards you and glared daggers at you before he angrily yelled at you.

"Huh?!! What the heck are you saying to him?!"

You just grinned as you brought a hand to your lips, a small and sadistic laugh escaped your lips with a crazed look in your eyes.

"This is such a huge gamble! I'm gambling his life and the life of humanity! If he eats that thing, he either dies or he inherits The Sukuna's powers! If the second possibility happens, human lives will be at stake! This is so exciting! I wonder which one will suffer!"

A Corpse Shell (Jujutsu Kaisen Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now