Chapter 20 - One come together to form us

Start from the beginning

"When we defeat the King, we can go to Wonderland. So they just need to hide it somewhere and we can get them again." 

"You're actually serious?", Ra asked shocked and glanced at Hwanwoong's sword.

Their island had been raided by the King and the boys had tried to defend their family's with simple working tools. Of course they were defeated and at one point even close to dying. Nobody of their island had been left alive, not even their own family.

But then, the night sky had turned red. 

As fishermen told, when they came to the island to see what was happening, a winged woman bowed down to the boys and touched their foreheads. Due to the black wings they called her a 'demon' but nobody knew her origin. 

"This is not the fight you're going to die in. Revenge them.", she had apparently said to the boys and turned the wooden tools into magical weapons. 

When the boys were woken up by the fishermen, they told them about the woman. As soon as the friends had, with the help of the two fishermen, given every one of the island a proper burial, they sailed with the fishermen. They had sworn to do whatever it would take to get revenge. 

Ra shivered, when she remembered how they told her this story for the first time. Now they were already living here for about a year but there hadn't been a day where Ra had seen them rest. And that was what scared her. They had nothing to lose, only each other. That was what made them scary. 

"I'm sure about it.", Hwanwoong said and walked over to the boys. With a quick move, Ra pulled Rory over to them. 

Apparently Hwanwoong had talked about this with the other boys as well, since everyone already pulled out their own weapons.

Ravn balanced a long, sword between his fingers. With a small smile he threw it towards Hongjoong, who started yelling. A second later, though, the sword was floating just millimetres away from his face. 

"How?", Hongjoong asked scared and backed away from the sword. Ravn let the sword fly into Hongjoong's hands. 

"The sword serves those who are willing to do anything for their team. Control it with your mind, think about what it should do and it will. But don't anger it, or it will turn on you. Swords have feelings too." 

Ravn pulled a very shocked Hongjoong with him into another room, the sword following them in the air. Confused the other boys looked around. 

"Do you have flying swords as well?", Mingi asked scared. Leedo shook his head and grabbed an axe from the wall. It looked normal, almost small next to other's but no one dared to make a comment. Leedo noticed the scared looks and smiled. "Don't worry. The axe only gets supernatural when heavy wounds are near." 

"Don't worry?", Mingi screeched and hid his bandaged finger behind his body. "Don't give it to me." 

"It's just a normal axe for now.", Leedo tried to calm Mingi down. "It's only on full kill mode when someone tells it to be. See?" Leedo put Mingi's hand on it. "Now it will only hurt those you want to hurt." 

At this Mingi passed out and fortunately fell onto a training mattress. Worried Leedo looked around. "Did I say something wrong?" 

"You're introducing your weapon wrong.", Seoho teased and grabbed a slingshot. It was small and didn't seem like much but still the boys backed away when Seoho put a stone into it. "Look at the crown." 

Everyone followed his instruction and stared at the crown on the other side of the hall. A normal slingshot wouldn't even reach half of it but somehow a few seconds later a loud sound could be heard and the crown fell onto the floor. 

"Could you stop shooting at the crown please?", Ra asked. "The sound echoes through every room in here!" 

"Anyways.", Seoho said, ignoring Ra's words. "This slingshot will never miss it's target, not even the worst shoot could miss. So who wants it?" 

When the boys broke out of their frozen shocked state, everyone wanted it. In the end Wooyoung won and was happily shooting rock at the crown, totally ignoring the looks Ra gave him. 

Meanwhile Keonhee already grabbed a spear and whirled it around perfectly. It was completely balanced and the top was covered in symbols only magicians could understand. Keonhee gave it to Jongho who seemed the least scared of it. Surprised Jongho weighed it in his hands. 

"Why did you choose me?", he asked confused making Keonhee smile. Then he pointed to the top of the spear. Before it had been red but now that Jongho held it, it turned purple. 

"You are the strongest amongst them, but you won't need physical strength to hold the spear. If I would fight with it, the top was red, right? In my case, it would poison anyone I would touch, but you're better than me. I can't tell yet what you're gonna do if you touch some-" 

Keonhee got interrupted by a soft touch on his shoulder. Everyone watched with a mix of curiosity and schock when Keonhee fell down right next to the still unconscious Mingi and started snoring. 

"I guess, it makes people fall asleep.", Ra stated the obvious and helped Seoho check on Keonhee, to see if he wasn't accidently dead. 

Now, Hwanwoong came to the front and put his hands on his belt. A second later two daggers appeared out of nowhere and he started grinning at the shocked faces. "My daggers will start glowing red whenever you're near danger. And if you accidently lose them during a fight, they will fly back to you. They aren't as magical as the other weapons but-" 

"Not magical?", San asked in disbelief. "Well, they're definitely not normal." 

"You think you're able to handle them?", Hwanwoong asked, a challenging grin on his face. San of course nodded immediately and followed Hwanwoong to the side. After a few throws it was clear that Hwanwoong was unbeatable but still San hit the centre more often than anyone else of the group. 

"So who gets the last weapon?", Ra asked Xion who had been standing at the side the last few minutes. With a small smile he stepped to the middle and looked at those who were left. 

Rory looked around as well. The only ones who hadn't gotten a weapon yet were herself, Yunho, Seonghwa and Yeosang. None of them looked quite expecting to be chosen and Rory had no idea why. She turned to Xion again. 

"Where's your weapon?", Yeosang asked confused when Xion didn't grab or pull out anything. Instead of answering, Xion pulled out a simple red hairband, so his long blonde hair fell onto his shoulders. 

"A headband?", Yunho asked, a brow raised in suspicion and for a second Rory had to stare at him. The serious look on his face and the sweat dripping of his hair made him seem scarier and, mostly, hotter. Shaking her thoughts away, Rory tried to concentrate on Xion again. 

"It's not just a simple hairband. There's a name on it engraved.", he said and showed them the hairband. Dongmyeon, it said. "He was my twin and the hairband reminds me that he is the reason I'm fighting for. I need to revenge his death and it's the only thing that makes sure I can't forget him." Xion pulled it and a second later the red rope got longer until it was as long as a wip. With ease Xion swung it and got himself the slingshot of Wooyoung.

"The band can get longer and shorter, just as you need it. It's not that magical but it's the easiest to hide but still hard to use.", Xion explained. "Who wants it?" 

None of them said a word, confusing Rory. When she looked around all the boys were looking at her. "What?" 

"You should take it.", Yeosang said. "I have a feeling it belongs to you." 

Not really sure what to say, Rory softly took it and couldn't help but stare at the name sewn into it. The hairband itself was light as if it weighed nothing. It was decorated with other embroideries but Rory didn't notice that. All her attention was on the name that magically started changing. With a gasp Rory hid it behind her back and thanked Xion. Only he seemed to have noticed what happened. 

Even though the name had just started to change, Rory already knew which name would appear. She could feel it. The person who reminded her to keep going was Danbi. And the hairband would make sure Rory could never forget her. 

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