I'm Home

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A/N: This will be taking place after the Riser fight

A man in a coat was walking home with a bag over his shoulder. His hair was tied in a bun and he was finally going home to see his family. He was in the age of nineteen and he has been in the "military" for a while. 'I wonder how much has Issei change? Or is he still the same pervert little brother I left behind' the man said in his head.

In the Hyoudou household, the O.R.C were having a meeting since their clubhouse was being clean. They were going through family photos with Issei's mom. Issei was being embarrassed by it but Rias stop at one page. It was picture of a brown hair boy smiling at the camera. 

"Who's that?" Rias asked

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"Who's that?" Rias asked. "Oh this is Issei's older brother, Eren when he was fifteen years old" Mrs. Hyoudou said. "Older brother!?" all of them said shock. "Issei, how come you never told us you had a older brother?" Rias asked him. "He just never came into my mind when I would talk to you guys" he said.

"He left to join the army four years ago and we haven't seen him since. We don't even know he's still ok" Mrs. Hyoudou said. They then heard a knock on the door and Mrs. Hyoudou went to answer it. When she did, she gasp when she saw who it was. "Hi mom" Eren said, standing in the doorway. She hugged him and started crying. "Eren, you finally come home!" she said, crying on his shirt.

Eren hugged her back and said "I'm sorry I haven't talk to you guys. Stuff have been going on over there and I didn't have the time to send you guys letters."

Mrs. Hyoudou let go of him and let him in the house. He walked inside and he said hi to his father who was sitting on the couch. His father was shock and he got up to hug his oldest son. "Eren! Thank goodness you're ok!" he said. Eren hugged his father and said "It's alright dad, it's going to take a lot to bring down your son."

Issei came out of his room and headed to the living room. The rest of his friends stayed in the hallway. Issei saw the tall man with the coat and recognize who it was. It was the man who left his family to join the military when he was eleven years old. Eren turn to his little brother and said "Hey Issei, it's been a while."

Tears started to fall from Issei's eyes and he ran to Eren, giving him a hug. "Eren! I haven't seen you like forever!" he shouted. Eren hugged his little brother and said "You've grown since the last time I saw you. Are you still the little pervert that would chase girl's butts?"

"You still remember that?" Issei said. Eren nodded his head and he saw a group of kids in the hallway. "I didn't know you guys were having visitors on the day I came back" Eren said. "Eren, these are my friends. I'm part of their school club, the Occult Research Organization" Issei said. Eren nodded and he shook hands with every single one of his friends, introducing himself. 

"It's nice to see that my little brother has friends that are not perverts" Eren said. "I'm still friends with Matsuda and Monothoma" Issei said. "Of course you are" Eren said. Eren headed down the hall and open the door to his room. Or what used to be his room. It seem that someone had taken his room. "Did you guys rent out my room?" Eren asked them. "Sorry, but I decided to move in here" Asia said. 

Eren sigh and said "It's fine, I'll just sleep on the couch until I could afford a apartment." Eren went to the couch and sat on it. After a couple of minutes, Issei's friends left and everyone was going to sleep. Eren went outside his house and took out his phone. He dialed a number and waited for someone to answer. "Eren, why are you calling this late?" said a voice. 

"Armin, you were right. My brother did turn into a devil and their are two others living in my house" Eren said. "Wow! Just stay calm, I'll call Captain Levi-"

"No, I don't want any of the scouts coming here. I'll handle this myself, and don't tell anyone that includes Mikasa" Eren said, before hanging up. 

Time Skip brought you by a chibi Eren sleeping on the couch

The next day, Eren woke up and rub his back. 'Shit, my back hurts like hell' he said in his head. He sat up and saw that the two new girls were cooking. 'So, these are the devils living with me. I recognize one of them as the heir to the Gremory household.'

He walked over to the kitchen and said "Hey, do you guys need any help with anything?"

"No thanks, we got this" Rias said. Eren nodded and said "Did you guys slept in the same room as Issei? You do know he's a pervert."

"Your brother is actually more than a pervert if you talk to him more" Asia said. 'So, Issei has change. At least a little bit' Eren said in his head. Issei came out of his room and said "Hey big bro, shock about the hot chicks I hang out with?"

"A little bit, I never though my little brother would actually get the harem he always dream of" Eren said, as he sat on the table. They ate breakfast and Rias asked "So Eren, what did you do in the army?"

"Just sneaking into enemies bases and ambush them" Eren said. "How come your hair is long that you could tie it into a man bun. I thought you shave your head when you join the army" Issei said. "I'm part of a military group that does not required you to shave your head."

"Did you get any cool names? Like a cool nickname that your friends would call you?" Issei asked. "Yeah one. Eren Jeager" Eren said, shocking Rias. 'No way, this man can't be Eren Jeager!' she said in his head. "Eren Jeager? Where did the last name come from?" Issei asked. "It was the last name of a man who I look up to. His name was Grisha Jeager, but he was killed by the enemy. So I took his last name in his honor. And also so my enemies wouldn't hurt you guys while I was gone."

"Issei, can I speak to you? I need help with some homework" Rias said, as she pulled Issei to his room. Asia watch them leave and immediately got jealous. "I never thought Issei was good with homework" Eren said. Rias pulled Issei to his room and Issei said "Rias, you're my senior. I don't know what you guys are learning!" 

"No I don't actually need help with homework, it's something about your brother" Rias said. "He's great right, he always protected me from bullies when we were little" Issei said. "That sounds nice, but your brother has turn into an enemy of the devils!"

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