Chapter 19 - The ship is sailing

Start from the beginning

Ra laughed. "No. We look exactly the same, or at least did once but we're different. Actually every person has a copy of themselves in another world, for balance and it's like- how should I say it- it's like, both versions die at the same time." 

"So this is a real world?" 

"Do you want it to be?", Ra asked. "I could ask you the same. You can go to this world in your dreams, right?" 

"How do you know?" 

"You're a Traveller, Rory. I already called you that.", Ra explained but when she saw Rory's confused face, she continued. "Travellers are people who, duh, travel between the worlds." 

"So, are there many people like me?", Rory asked raising an eyebrow not sure if she should believe that. 

"Everyone could do it, to be honest. The moment people start dreaming, the doors to my world are open but only a few actually realize what's going on. You probably only got here, because of your emotions. That's the most likely thing. Or someone gave you a mission." 

Rory instinctively wanted to grab the compass but, once again, she realized it was still in her room. Her reaction made Ra laugh and Rory wondered if she sounded the same. 

"Your mission is to bring your boys back, right? I thought so." 

"Jongho, your friend, told me, I had to save them but I was not allowed to get them to Wonderland. I had to prevent them from getting there, but now you tell me we have to go there? That doesn't make sense." 

"Rory.", Ra started, realizing their mistake. "We thought you could bring the boys back, when you make them remember but I guess that's almost impossible. We didn't want you to come near Wonderland, because the King's warriors are there and if you die-" 

"You die as well.", Rory finished, finally realizing what that meant. Shocked she looked at the sea and felt her eyes water. Scared she held onto the rail. "What am I supposed to do now? If they reach Wonderland, they're never gonna leave!" 

Ra thought about it for a while. It was true, most people never came back. Something came into her mind. "Make them whish for it!" 

"For what?", Rory snapped, sick of getting thrown around as if she was a paper plane. But Ra wasn't faced by that. 

"Make them realize this is not their world. They have to realize, that they have a life to live, people to come back to. Make them wish for going back to your world. I'm not sure if it works beyond my world but it's worth a try." 

"I hope you're right.", Rory sighed. "But how do we pass the King's warriors without dying?" 

Once again Ra thought for a while. Her gaze fell onto her sword and an idea came into her mind. 

"Did you ever fight?" 

"Unless you mean fighting my brother for food, then no." 

"What a pity, I guess we'll have to upgrade you.", Ra explained with a grin. Even though Rory couldn't see it, she still knew Ra was smiling like a freak. 

"So are you the upgraded version of myself?" 

"Don't worry about it for now." Ra said. "I'll lead you to your room. Tomorrow you'll see." 

Rory couldn't even think about sleeping. The shower had helped clearing her mind but at the same time she never wanted to get out again. She had to take a few moments to process what happened today. 

"I'm going crazy. That's the only logic answer, right? Right?" Rory knew it was too real for her to actually be crazy. Or she at least wanted it to be. 

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